Saturday, April 7, 2007


202 lbs.

It was snowing today, so i didn't run to the gym. Bumbled on the treadmill for 10 mins. for a warmup.

Various Leg Motions:



20 x the bar
10 x 135
8 x 205
8 x 225
6 x 245
5 x 245

i was gonna do a set of 8 @ 235, and then do a coupl'a sets of 4 with 245, but i wasn't all there and accidentally stuck 245 on the bar. Couldn't figure out why it felt so dang hard 'till i unracked it. Didn't feel like quite as big a wuss as i was planning on feeling like. Still wished i'd'a pushed 2 more on that set, but i couldn't get into it. Belt still ain't in. They weren't kidding when they said to allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Straight Leg Deads:

15 x bar
14 x 95
10 x 135
10 x 135
8 x 155
8 x 155

Rope Tricep Presses:

25 x 50
12 x 110
6 x 120 (ow.)

Skull Crushers:

10 x 70
8 x 97ish
4 x 107ish

Went up a li'l on that second set.


Having a spotter to yell at me would'a been real fine today. Not a bad workout, but i couldn't get amped for it. Even managed to ixnay the James Brown before my second set of squats.

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