Wednesday, January 28, 2009


i have a tenuous grasp on just how often i've been to the climbgym lately. i can say i haven't been climbing much in the last few days... maybe nearly a week. Haven't been sleeping well at all. Biceps haven't healed much from my weird onslaught there for a few weeks. And i think i did some damage to a ligament in my left hand. i've been going to the climbgym almost (but not quite) daily, just to be there. i think i'm afraid of getting out of the habit. But for the last week i haven't been able to do anything. i go in, warm up extensively, stretch, throw at some problems, fall off of everything, then lie on the floor and stare at the ceiling. In that sense it's a bit more like yoga and meditation than climbing. In fact, today i was so stale (and, honestly, afraid of making things worse) i ended up doing a bunch of sets of hanging leg raises and stretching a bunch. Haven't been able to make it to the irongym in a couple o' weeks 'cuz of school and being outta pocket, and i've only swum once in the last few. i think largely because of that i've felt like i'm going crazy if i don't do something, so i end up climbing even if it's supposed to be an off day. At any rate, i've been getting fatter and healing little. i'm real ready to be in our own house again. Nearly there...

Bryant and Sandy: i'm praying for you guys. i surely want to hear that you're good.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

Dude. Why don't you go swim every day for a week? You've got to let yourself heal. I don't think one week or even five days is going to break a habit. Although, sometimes I wish it would.

Bryant called me yesterday and said they got the test results back from the biopsy. It was benign fibrous lump that they were able to completely remove.
