Odd day today. Slept like doodoo last night. No alcohol, no dip, chilled in the hot tub, and i still managed to sleep nearly not at all. Went to the climbgym this morning and the lack of sleep shew'd its haggish heed: clumb like puppy diarrhea. (To my head's credit m' forearms were still torn down from climbing a coupla' days before.) Ah well... it was a workout of sorts. Spent the remainder of the day laying cork flooring. By the grace of God i managed not to have a dip, although i was alone. By the end of the day i was having a proper Luther-esque hallucinated self-war/anxiety attack, but i didn't even cuss much (although i shore did want to). Finally i gave up screwing up otherwise innocent cork planks, and went climbing again. Didn't get much better, but it felt good to stretch. i eschewed most of the hard stuff and did a "tour of twos"-- all the v2 i could manage. Did snag a new 3 earlier, although i questioned its 3ness. Also got a 4 that i'd say goes at stiff 2.
Moreover, i scored a big hangboard for $15 'cuz the gym needed the space for a new one. Happy.
The next Stone Cup is this fri. so i'm gonna take most of the week off from climbing. i do want to get in to the irongym for chest/tris. Also gotta start hitting abs with masochistic ferocity. And i must start swimming and running again. Biceps just won't heal--which is right screwing me climbing up-- so i'm hoping a week off of pulling hard'll make a difference.
If i could just find a way to stop thinking so damn much that doesn't involve wholesale self destruction...
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