Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Will work for NSAIDS

...and on a whim, i went back in to the climbgym today, and (i chalk this up to having something on the tranny what's not reggae, as was the case yesterday*) i sent a project v3, and onsighted another 3. Then i worked what i think will have been the crux move on what i further think will end up being a stiff v4.

It was odd. i got in my car to maybe head to school early and get a head start on some homework, and i just ended up at the gym. It's like a nervous tic. But when you hear that call, and yer body says, "Oh, i think so: do let's," you just gotta go.

Earlier on, i went for a 30 min. (+/-) session at the irongym. That felt pretty good. Got a decent ab workout in, and a decent straight-leg dead workout. Chest workout, as i mentioned on the phone, sucked. i'm thinking i'm gonna try to get in several times a week for a while for real short workouts with some really light weight to try and rehab my shoulders. i'll just baby-step my pushers back into shape. After all, my chest workout couldn't get much more embarrassing than it presently is.

*In my opinion, reggae was designed to thin out the herd. Far as i can tell, the only way to avoid clawing your own eyes out before putting the gun in your mouth on reggae is to smoke some heavyweight out of a glass pipe for "mood intervention".**

** i mean, who the hell'd think it'd be a good idea to try and work out to reggae, anyway? Who does that?


Pappa G said...

I rember these two articles being good reads from the past. Might give them a peak for the shoulder rehab.

c said...

cool. Thanks. And yeah, the blood streaks might be a li'l aver the top for the kids to hang off of. i try to avoid having to explain gratuitous morbidity to Annie when possible. She's a sensitive soul.