Sunday, January 4, 2009


Feel good and broken this lovely Sunday morning. Swam for the first time yesterday since before i started the rig job.

Got in 1100m:
300 x warmup/drills
5 x 100s on a 10 sec. interval
300 cooldown

Then i got in to the irongym for a quick 'un on the way home last night. This is proving hard to get motivated for, cuz i have no chest left. i'm trying hard to just look at it like it should be looked at: eeeeeasing back into it without hurting myself again.

Did 3 x 10 on DB Press (wherein m' faithful old shoulder injury started whispering from beyond the grave about coming back and haunting me), tried some Dips, but that promised to be almost certain injury, and settled on one set of Incline DBs with 40s. i could just curl 'em right up there, but i only managed one set 'cuz my shoulders and (strangely) bicep tendons were creaking and whining so loudly i couldn't do any more. Then i did 3 x 10 on Hanging Straight Leg Lifts (which i sorta wished i hadn't done with hiking boots on), and they went ok. Finished out with some one-arm Cable Tricep Presses, and Pec Deck.

i was a little disappointed that i haven't healed from all that yet. i swam, and an old ankle injury came back to nag me when i kicked, and i benched and that shoulder injury woke up and growled-- and i haven't had any thoughts at all of either injury in a long, long time. Anyhow, maybe i can keep it light enough to do some rehab.


Pappa G said...

Dude. You sound really old. If you're going to get regular in the iron gym again, let me make a suggestion. Stick with the compound movements. Deadlifts, squats, bench press, and standing military presses (or any variant: rack pulls, incline bench…). For the first couple of weeks, do five sets of ten and nothing else. Gradually move your weights up for five sets of five. Do ab work on squat and deadlift days and upper back work on bench and military days, but don't overdo the auxiliary work. Pick one exercise for 3 sets of ten. Any isolation work that you do in the gym will be a waste of time for you and will likely result in overtraining. Something like this:

Deadlift: warm up, 5 x5
Weighted sit-ups 3 X 10

Military: warm-up, 5 x 5
DB Rows: 3 x 10

Squat: warm-up , 5 x 5
Hanging leg lifts, 3 x 10

Bench Press: warm-up, 5 x 5
Weighted pull-ups: 3 x 10

c said...

So you're going from mon. to mon. on that progression. You suggesting that i do said exercises every two weeks? And the isolation (i.e. tricep presses) are the only thing that didn't hurt. i'm having trouble with m' shoulders (probably 'cuz i don't warm 'em up good enough.) Deal is, i need some beefy triceps, but i don't need a chest really at all. Also, you mentioned 5 x 10 and in your example you've got 5 x 5s and 3 x 5s. What are you recommending for 5 x 10s?

i do think that's a good idea, the compound movements and highish rep, light sets to begin with. Last night after work i meandered to the climbgym without meaning to, and thought i'd get in some light laps on easy stuff. Ended up gutting myself on hard projects, but finally hooked up with a guy for laps on a rope. Hadn't done that in years. we got on unmtaped super easy wall and climbed and down-climbed five or six or seven "reps". i haven't been that pumped in a long frickin' time. Then we got off and he suggested an 11-. Nearly flashed it, but fell at the very end. Then dropped and did it again. i need to do that more often. i have lots of power, but no endurance, and my joints are suffering for it. i have some nasty imbalances going on.

How's the wagon treating you? Still on it, are you?

Pappa G said...

Still mostly on the wagon. Can't say I've fallen off by any means, but I've allowed a couple drinks here and there.

If done properly, the bench press is primarily a triceps excersice. However, it is a compound movement in that it affects your chest, shoulders, and back as well. Nobody benches big without hellishly strong triceps.
I suggested doing the five sets of ten just for the first couple of cycles (weeks) without any auxiliary work. Just go in, do five sets of ten with the main lift, and get out. Of course, you'll want to make sure you put the proper intensity into the five sets to gain something from it, but it's primarily a good time to work on proper form and get used to the movements.
After a couple of four day cycles of 5 x 10 do a couple of warm up sets and then 5 working set of 5. Try to increase the weight with each set, but more importantly is getting the 5 reps. On set five try breaking five reps.
At this point ad in the auxiliary work and make it intense.
It's not a Monday through Monday, but rather a four day wave working out three days a week. Just keep cycling the workouts in the same order. You'll pretty much never overtrain your weight training if done three days a week. I've been doing a very similar cycle for several months now and am really loving it. I'm getting stronger and am able to get plenty of rest.

c said...

Sounds good. i'll give 'er a try. Gracias.