Thursday, May 28, 2009

...y despues

Well, at least i have a li'l better tan after it all. Could be i'm a bit less mallow-like. Weighed for a last time at 186, which is a 7 lb. drop. That's a nice start. But i must get ripped skinny if i'm to send v1000.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Krakenbag Emergeth

thought that i'd post up a before shot as a reminder before i put up my new after shots.

i did have a beer last night. Funny, 'cuz i didn't really want one so much. But i picked up some Old Chub, and we had one. Then (to get it outta my system) i had a wee dram of JWRL. And a small sip of wine. i didn't drink enough to get a proper buzz, but i did have a murderous gut ache all night and didn't sleep. Had a one-egg egg burrito with veggies and some cheese yesterday morning. Then a bowl of cereal for lunch, spaghetti with chicken sausage for supper, went and climbed for a couple of hours, and had a healthy delicious shake for beddy bye. To my surprise, i never overate, and i didn't munch in between. But my guts are still raging against the change. i'm gunna keep it real simple today.

Climbed yesterday, as i mentioned. i felt super sluggish--kinda' off balance and not there. i did put together the crux sequence on a project, so i know it'll go now, but i should'a finished it, and couldn't keep it together. Also i climbed through the bottom and got set up for the 6 foot v1000ish throw on my super proj whilst feeling like dog crap, so i should be able to come back to it fresh and healed with a lot of swagger and musky confidence (which is quite necessary for baldfacedly defying natural laws).


It's an embarrassingly fine feeling to weigh anchor with such magnitude that i can feel my lung capacity increasing.

i think the main thing at this point is gonna be to (rapidly) come up with a continuing program. Sounds like you lads are onto something. i've gotta figure out on my end which muscles to keep, and which to toss. And i've gotta replace big chunks of what i've been doing with ... more masculine things. i'm hoping to get my campus wall painted today. i think having an intimidating hangboard stack with a huge black skull mocking me will be motivating.

Monday, May 25, 2009

La Croix esta noche...Cerveza manana

Well. i just finished my last non-voluntary healthydeliciousshake, and my last workout on the v-diet proper. i feel--well-- detoxified, for one. But also definitely a bit lighter, a bit stronger (since i started out with some gaping holes in my program), and most importantly, more disciplined. It'll sound funny with all the whining i've done, but i have a hard time imagining being able to actually eat three or more solid meals in one day. Hopefully i can maintain that view and seriously look at food differently. If i can, then i'll have accomplished what i hoped to accomplish. Crud, i've been trying to accomplish that for the last 2 decades. So if that happens, that's the best couple of extra C-notes i've spent in a while. i'm wanting to come down your way for that RLRF, so i'll hopefully see you guys soon. i plan to get some after pics posted tomorrow, and i'll weigh tomorrow morning. i'll give you a call. Peace.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

i'm a blind man in a dark room and i'm trying to catch that black cat

Weighed in yesterday at 184. That makes a nine lb. drop since t=0. i went climbing yesterday with the full expectation of climbing like doodoo, but i ended up feeling crazy strong. This was a nice surprise after friday's workout. Didn't think i'd have any biceps left at all after the chinups, etc. But i was climbing smoother and better than i have in a longish time. i didn't tag any hard new ground, but there were highlights. i've been working on this one project for a couple of days that i figured'd go at just bloody hard. Seems doable, but it'll be harder than anything i've done before. So i was working next to this kid that works in the gym, and i asked him if he'd done 'er, and he says it's not really possible and probably goes at v10. So when i do it, i'm gonna call it my first 10. Tomorrow is my last day on the diet. i'm very happy about that. But i'm still gunna dig on my healthy solid meal today. i'm looking forward to seeing if i can hold on to some good habits afterward, and i'm looking forward to training my ax off at a lighter weight. i'm praying for you lads. Hang in there.

Friday, May 22, 2009

i did some Wonder loaf

Friday's workout numero cuatro.

See last week's workout except imagine it a bit more contiguous, and on a 15 sec. interval.

i want a beer now, only i'll have a healthy delicious shake instead. Or i will here in 45 minutes.

All i need is my butt, an i... OOhhh hey, hen, let's say i want a tidal waaave...Whoa, i left the river out and i don't know why

And speaking of really good music, i tried to transfer all that music you sent me (g) to iTunes, and it transeferred, but now it says it won't play cuz it can't find the original files. Whaddaya figger i'm doin' wrong?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh hey hen, i'm gonna pat all eggs

i licked the mayonaise off of the knife i used to make Aeon a sandwich today. Not all of it, you understand, but that's kinda beside the point. Who does that? i made 'im a sandwich, looked at the greasy blade, saw that it was good to eat, and partook. i felt so dirty.

Anyhow. i actually did the workout for tonight. And you'll be pleased to know that i felt a li'l ill afterwards because i didn't do the antecedent two. Weird how fast the toxins build up.



R D L:
5x8x215 (These, it turns out, are much easier if you don't climb yer axe off directly before executing)


5x8xthesameundeterminedweightaslasttime (These blew. It really does help doing those ab wheel thingies on monday. i felt like purging after these.)

Well: there's my last wed. workout for the Vdiet down the drain. And the congregation say-ed-uh...?

Here's a prayer request. i've pretty much decided (insofar as i decide anything ever) to try to get into PA school. The thought of being a PT for more than, say, a few weeks makes me wanna look into some heavy psych meds. One heavy upshot is that there is no worthwhile PA program in NM, so we'd hafta move. i've looked into Rocky Mt. College in Montana, and a school in Oregon. i'd be fine with either of those places. i have to take the two semesters of o-chem, microbio, possibly bio chem, and (for the school in Or. at least) i'll hafta retake A&P cuz it's been too long. And i'll hafta get 'er done in two semesters.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


i didn't work out tonight. did go climbing, which started out very well. After sunday's travesty, it was very nice to know i can still climb. Warmed up on a bunch of 2s and 3s, and made some fine efforts on one of my projects. Steph met the kids and me there, but she wasn't into it at all (one of her kids at work hanged himself over the weekend-- she was understandably bummed.) So we left way early. It was good to feel strong, even if it was because i didn't work out. i'm gunna do tomorrow's workout, God allowing. i just feel like i'm sorta hanging on till this thing is over. i'm seriously disenchanted with the diet, and while i like that the workout bit has gotten me back into a program of sorts, and i like that i've been forced to try some weird crap i probably wouldn't have otherwise messed with, i'm looking forward to streamlining it and getting a li'l harder core with it. i do feel like i've built a decent little base to springboard off of though. That's kinda nice. You guys need to come see me soon. we'll climb some and have a beer...or two.

Monday, May 18, 2009

And yet another 'un...

Today is the three week mark for me on this diet. Weighed in at 189 li'l bit ago. That means i'm down four lbs. in under three weeks! (Woohoo!) i guess that's a little depressing since i could'a lost four lbs. by just not drinking beer for 3 weeks or jacking up my exercise magnitude. i haven't quite figured out what the diet part of this screwy diet plan has accomplished for me, except putting me in a nearly perpetually bad mood. Maybe i have a deeper appreciation for food or something, but if i can't lose the gut eating 1450 cals/day, then i don't really know what'll work. Maybe i'll take up ultramarathoning. Then at least i could eat. i just am hungry all the time, and have no energy--which would be fine for a while if i were losing weight. Ah well. One more week of it. i'm just bummed.

Once again, we got in too late to do the v burn thing yesterday. we went to Las Conchas (where we went climbing that time) for the day. That was fun. i climbed like crap cuz i was wasted tired, but then we hiked, and that was cool. So i guess i'll stack that with tonight's workout again. i just have zero energy. And we ate Indian food yesterday, which i'll take the opportunity to suggest you skip. That stuff's not so healthy. But it's tasty.

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Leather for my Fred

As anticipated, the chin-ups were less than awe inspiring. But we went back for a second session of climbing this afternoon 'cuz i wanted to make absolutely sure i had 1) taxed my tendons to the point of rupture, and 2) a good excuse for sucking as bad as i knew i was gunna suck anyhow. 20 seconds between sets didn't seem like much like time, by the way.

CG Bench:
5x5x135 (Bleh.)

Chin Ups:
2x3xsame (Bleh.)

Front Squats:
5x5x135 (Bleh.)

Push Out Thingies:
5x5x70 (Got a theme here, dig? Bleh.)

All in all it was an especially active day, and i'm about 12 hrs. behind on sleep. i did stick the crux 3 point huck to a half-pad crimp on a v5+++/maybe 6ish proj. That was nice. It'll go when i'm fresh. 'S good to have something to look forward to. i think i need a week off to go snowboarding.

A Letter for my Fred

Took the young'uns with to the climbgym this mornin' after dropping Annie off at school. Thought it'd be some good nepa, and'd be a good idea for to get some blood flowing early on. Only, i felt stale as a crouton. Not a bad session for its intended purpose, but i got thrown off of some stuff i really wanted to take down. Oh well. i just have a forboding premonition about the workout this evening. my elbow is hurting, and i'm afraid that when i bench my arm will collapse like that chick's that turns into a cockroach in whatever Nightmare On Elm Street that was. And i was really hoping chin-ups were on mon. 'cuz it might be bad today. we'll see.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds...and a pizza

Lo, and i have witnessed an injustice under the sun: i have gas that'd drop an adrenalined lioness with cubs in tow, and i've eaten exactly the same thing for each meal for nearly three weeks. Ooo, i have a quest for you. Find me (and then purchase for me, if necessary) the song Where the Wild Roses Grow by Nick Cave with Kylie Minogue (i think). Can't find it on iTunes. Right. So anyhow, it turns out that hard bouldering just before wednesday's workout is a subgood idear. Started on this v3 i was planning to just onsight, only some chick wasn't paying attention and was gonna climb right through me, so i stopped on a hold and waited because i refused to not flash the problem. Then i botched the sequence, downclimbed a bit and re-did it for the flash. Then i got obsessed with a bloody hard, shouldery v4 gnarcrimper (which i failed to finish). All that was after i put in eight or 10 burns on a v6 i was too tired to even be on when i got there. i felt like doodoo; totally sluggish and unmotivated and [friggin] hungry. So then i went home and energized with a splash of cotton candy flavored Surge, and went for the iron workout:

WG Pullups:
1x8x180 (on the machine)

Incline NG Bench:
(These started out feeling like i had an ice pick in my right shoulder joint, but it got mildly better)

1x4x215 (This sucked. i literally couldn't hold onto the bar i was sweating so bad. Almost went out and grabbed a chalk bag, but didn't want to fritter the time away.)

BB Curl:
1x4x60 (No excuses here. i just have feminine biceps.)

Hanging Straight Leg Raises:
1x2x? (After about 10 secs. rest. Did these with an indeterminate amount of weight strapped to my ankles. i'm guessing they were 5 lbs-ish. First set felt easy. Last set did not.)

i didn't get to climb yesterday, and i didn't want to go that long without. But i had a real low pain tolerance, and just no energy. i feel like some pizza and a coldbeer'd cure that, but i'm gonna stay on the Ethiopian wagon with you blokes. 'Cuz i like yas. Now the cats are chasing a fly aobut the house, and they sound like those hippo ballet dancers in Fantasia, but without the soundtrack. Hopefully they'll get bored before i have to end their lives. Nastrovya.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bigger Stetson Please

She came in today. (They threw in some extra holds just to be nice after taking a month to get it to me.) Sucka' weighs about 45 lbs. and it's hollow backed. i will use this to get strong just as soon as there is some flesh on my hands again with which to stick to such a hold. Very happy am i.

Halfway There

Weighed yesterday at 188 lbs. i have lost not an ounce since last week. So i'm expecting a 5 lb. poop this morning.

Well. Ended up doing monday's workout yesterday too. Turns out that's a fairly tough stack, the V-burn and the reg. workout. Even the ab-wheel thingies were a bit harder after hand walkouts. i literally felt like i'd been Vicodin'd when i woke up this morning. Had trouble functioning. And the flesh on my hands looks more like that chick at the beginning of Hellraiser 3 after the bad guy excoriates her. Worked out at 6:30, which is prime time at the gym, and i pretty much felt like a homo for a half hour.


Ab Wheels:
5x4xregular (i really wanted to add the elastic band and see how that works, but i really want to experiment with that first so i don't waste a bunch of time screwing with it.)

Upright Rows:
5x4x175 (These got hard on the last set. Weight was 'bout right.)

Overhead Squats:
5x4x45 (Next time i'm gunna try these in full length spandex pants whilst holding a fake gemstone in my navel.)

i'm very glad today is an off day. Everything in me either hurts or just refuses to move.

Monday, May 11, 2009

V-Burnin' in the desert

Alrighty. Now i can write about healthysolidmeal with a good conscience. Had a very fine HSM yesterday. Made a fat veggie stirfry of red bell, poblano, jalapeno, white mushrooms, shiitake, red cabbage, bean sprouts, garlic, onion, saffron, cilantro, cardomom, fennel, rosemary, cracked black, ton of salt...mmmm. Threw that on some brown rice and radish seeds and piled some baked swordfish and ahi tuna steaks on that. (So happy).

Problem was i didn't manage to get the v-burn in last night. we went bowling with nate and beryl and clan instead. Dealing with my three crybabies for three games was enough to make me want strong liquor. Exercise didn't happen. So i did it today. Didn't feel quite as puke-inducing as last weeks. First set of hand walkouts i did on 90 deg. dirt blistered and shredded my hands, so i ended up stopping for a tape up after set five. That was by far the most agonizing bit of the workout. i'm hoping i haven't screwed up the rest of the workouts this week. Monday's workout felt real easy last week, but i wonder how those ab-wheels're gunna feel after the hand walkouts same day. Guess i'll write about that when i get to it.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Yesterday was a good day. The workout was significantly...more doable than last friday's. Still kicked my butt, but i finished it and felt fairly good afterwards. Even went climbing after it.

Front Squats:
5x5x135 (These are just hard. Did manage to hold it higher on my delts this time, so no bruising.)

NG Bench:

Chin Ups:

BB Push Press:
1x5x50 (too light)
5x5x60 (These felt good, but i think i can bump up next week)

At least i finished it all this time. Steph and i sloughed the chiddlers off on Ouma and Oupa and went climbing. They had most of the routes down for a comp today, but we got some nice toproping in. Steph did a set of four in a row: a 6+, 7, 7+, and an 8. She popped off the 8 one move before the end, but it was an impressive burn. i think she liked it. Most of what was up didn't have ratings on it cuz they were setting a bunch of new routes and taking stuff down, so it was kinda fun to wander around and just climb random stuff. Flashed a suuuper thin slab route that i think'll go at stiff 10 or 11-. Mostly it was fun to just jump on a bunch of gradeless routes and flow a bit. Good nepa, that.

And merry b-day to G.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Numma' Nine

Today was a good day, i think. i spent parts of it rather hungry. Maybe my metabolism is picking up a bit. Dunno. Weighed in at 188 this morning, which is a five lb. drop from start day. See if that sticks, but i don't see why not. And i felt it climbing today. Met Steph at the gym after she got off work to do some routes. we didn't get many routes done cuz the kiddoes were there, but she flashed a 5.8 (which i was very pleasantly surprised about) and i floated a 10+. Then i sent a handful of v3s, some of which i hadn't seen before, and a bunch of 2s. Maybe a 4. Don't have a clear idea of what a v4 is anymore. Then i went from there to the irongym for today's workout. Very pleased that it sucked 1000fold less than it did last week.

WG Pullups:
1x4xbw (after this i went to the pulldown machine)

Neut.G Incline DB Press:
1x3x40s (Still have no shoulders)

5x8x205 (These i like. Got the weight dialed pretty good this time)

Str.BB Curls:
1x5x50 (ow)
1x3x50 (maybe better not to climb right before this particular workout)

Hanging Straight Leg Raises:
2x10 (Hardest bit was hanging onto the bar. Need to add ankle weights for next week)

That felt good. i didn't feel like puking so much this time. Also worked really well to swill half the surge on the way to the gym. i drank my 5:00 HDS on the way to climb, and had the surge right after, and i felt plenty fueled for the second workout. Also, thanks for the beta on the cinnamon in the p.b. choco shake. Mighty tasty. Bis Morgan.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Smooth enough day, i'd reckon. Climbed today. Sent that thing i tried tearing my rotator cuff out on from sun. Got my lead cert for the gym today finally. That was kind'a funny. Had to clip everything right, of course; but i had to take a fall on the climb. my partner is this chick maybe sixty lbs. lighter than me. So i get up almost to the anchors, and the guy watching's like, "ok, just climb up to where the bolt's at yer feet and jump." So i say ok, and get up there and said take, and look down and she's got me locke off with probably six or eight foot of rope dangling. So i squinted a bit and said you sure you're ready? and she says yep, so i hucked off hard backwards and sucked her probably six feet off the ground and slammed into her. This is from the top of the route. guy doing the test said it was the coolest fall he'd seen anyone take on a lead test. Anyhow, i passed.

Still don't exactly know how to classify climbing exercise-wise. Is it a workout or is it nepa? At any rate, i anticipated wanting to gnaw my arm off before i was done and i put a scoop of surge in with my 2:00 HDS. Worked real well, and i was still on empty at 5:00. i'm hoping i sleep better tonight.

Monday, May 4, 2009

1/4 down

Gotta say, today's workout was by far the easiest thus far. i felt kinda' odd about drinking the extra calories in the Surge, but i did it anyway. The whole workout took maybe 20 mins. She proceeded:

Bent-o'er BB Rows:
1 x 5 x 155
4 x 5 x 165
Had to add those fives in a hurry to get 'er done in 30 sec. Think i could go a tad heavier next time.

Overhead Squat:
5 x 5 x 45 (seriously, the bar)
These are just plain awkward. The weight felt like nothin' even on my scrawny delts, but i nearly fell on my face trying to do the motion with more weight. It felt more like a core/stability exercise-- which maybe it's supposed to.

i hate dips. i hate them because i have no shoulders and no triceps to speak of, but i hate them because they exactly manage to hurt every joint in my upper body. Anyways, i finished 'em with no discernible injuries.

Ab Wheel:
5 x 5 on knees
i really like these things. i didn't even take the thing in the gym with me, partly 'cuz i felt like a homo carrying my wheel around with me, and partly 'cuz i was mildly afraid i would wheel out to the end of my extension and simply fall flat on my face. Wasn't nearly as hard as i was expecting, and it was a fabulous stretch.

i took (and plan in the future to take) half of the alotted Surge before m' workout, and the other half afterwards. It seems to settle just fine that way, and i have some juice to work out on. Plus i don't have so much of the filthy grog left to swill when my stomach is less stable. Also i bought some lemon and lime and orange flavored mineral waters at the store today. That stuff's nice. i love mineral water anyway, but it fills yer stomach up with air, and it has no calories or sweeteners of any kind. And i really didn't feel like i wanted food so badly after i got to eat yesterday. That was a nice change.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Odd day. Very poorly planned i guess. Dunno. Did the HSM today. we went to Ghengis Grill, and i had a lovely stir fry with some steak and calamari and crab and tofu and an egg, pile of veggies. Splurged and opted for the udon noodles instead of rice. But i only ate about half my bowl full or so. Couldn't finish it. Was supposed to replace just one meal with it, but we were in church at 11, and we ate ca. 1:30, so it took up two. Then we went climbing, and i sent my monthlong project first try, and linked through an 11 (on toprope) that i've never quite been able to finish without hanging. Then i thought i was gonna flash this funky v3, and instead i nearly ripped my rotator cuff off it moorings.

Dang it. i'll be back...

There: i did the v-burn challenge. i was gunna write how i managed not to do it today, 'cuz i was never home today and we just dragged in at 10:30 and i was about to fall over dizzy sleepy; but then i read your blogs and you heaped burning coals on my head, and i'll be da(r)ned if i'll give you two wankers an occasion to call me a wuss. That sucked worse than most anything. i have rarely experienced that magnitude of raw suckiness. i was so out of it, i had to write the exercises on the sidewalk in chalk so i could remember 'em. i'll go ahead and admit i did take some rest between sets. In fact on a few of 'em, i took some time between reps, wandered around in circles and tried to talk my heart out down off of the balcony railing. Turns out there isn't a single level spot on my lawn, and it wouldn't really matter if there were because i did the thing in the dark. But God sent a nice light rain on me for my last set of squat thrusts, for which i was grateful. Then i spent the last thirty minutes or so trying not to puke on my feet. Now i'm gunna go to bed and try not to puke there either. Hang in there, Jungs.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 5 (i think)

Well, lads, i'm looking down the barrel of my first Healthy Solid Meal today or tomorrow. Probably make it today. i'm afraid if i do it tomorrow (Sun.) we'll end up going for Indian, and i'll shove down a ton of ultra high fat curry. It hasn't been too bad; i'm getting used to the shake schedule. The workouts are tearing my outta-shape butt down, but it's nice to be back on a program. i think i need to do more of the NEPA though. i've been climbing on my off days a bit, so that definitely counts, but i do think some daily walking would seriously ramp this thang up. Here's yesterday's workout:

C G Bench:
5 x 5 x 135 (Nearly dropped the bar on me on the last rep)

1 x 5 x bw
3 x 5 x +35lbs.
2 x 4 x bw (fried; couldn't finish the sets clean)

Front Squats:
3 x 5 x 135
1 x 2ish x 135
Quit in pain: think i blew a butt spring. These things were super awkward for me.

Push press:
1 x 5 x 40 (way too light)
4 x 5 x 60 (These felt about right. Might could go up a hair next time.)

Stay strong lads. The V Challenge thing is coming up.