Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Halfway There

Weighed yesterday at 188 lbs. i have lost not an ounce since last week. So i'm expecting a 5 lb. poop this morning.

Well. Ended up doing monday's workout yesterday too. Turns out that's a fairly tough stack, the V-burn and the reg. workout. Even the ab-wheel thingies were a bit harder after hand walkouts. i literally felt like i'd been Vicodin'd when i woke up this morning. Had trouble functioning. And the flesh on my hands looks more like that chick at the beginning of Hellraiser 3 after the bad guy excoriates her. Worked out at 6:30, which is prime time at the gym, and i pretty much felt like a homo for a half hour.


Ab Wheels:
5x4xregular (i really wanted to add the elastic band and see how that works, but i really want to experiment with that first so i don't waste a bunch of time screwing with it.)

Upright Rows:
5x4x175 (These got hard on the last set. Weight was 'bout right.)

Overhead Squats:
5x4x45 (Next time i'm gunna try these in full length spandex pants whilst holding a fake gemstone in my navel.)

i'm very glad today is an off day. Everything in me either hurts or just refuses to move.

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