Saturday, May 9, 2009


Yesterday was a good day. The workout was significantly...more doable than last friday's. Still kicked my butt, but i finished it and felt fairly good afterwards. Even went climbing after it.

Front Squats:
5x5x135 (These are just hard. Did manage to hold it higher on my delts this time, so no bruising.)

NG Bench:

Chin Ups:

BB Push Press:
1x5x50 (too light)
5x5x60 (These felt good, but i think i can bump up next week)

At least i finished it all this time. Steph and i sloughed the chiddlers off on Ouma and Oupa and went climbing. They had most of the routes down for a comp today, but we got some nice toproping in. Steph did a set of four in a row: a 6+, 7, 7+, and an 8. She popped off the 8 one move before the end, but it was an impressive burn. i think she liked it. Most of what was up didn't have ratings on it cuz they were setting a bunch of new routes and taking stuff down, so it was kinda fun to wander around and just climb random stuff. Flashed a suuuper thin slab route that i think'll go at stiff 10 or 11-. Mostly it was fun to just jump on a bunch of gradeless routes and flow a bit. Good nepa, that.

And merry b-day to G.


Pappa G said...

Looks like a good one to me. V-Challenge and solid food tomorrow!

c said...

Well, the solid food i look forward to...