Friday, May 15, 2009

A Letter for my Fred

Took the young'uns with to the climbgym this mornin' after dropping Annie off at school. Thought it'd be some good nepa, and'd be a good idea for to get some blood flowing early on. Only, i felt stale as a crouton. Not a bad session for its intended purpose, but i got thrown off of some stuff i really wanted to take down. Oh well. i just have a forboding premonition about the workout this evening. my elbow is hurting, and i'm afraid that when i bench my arm will collapse like that chick's that turns into a cockroach in whatever Nightmare On Elm Street that was. And i was really hoping chin-ups were on mon. 'cuz it might be bad today. we'll see.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

I'm just learning to live with chronic elbow pain. I don't think my left one is ever going to hea. Been seriously eyeing some Inzer elbow braces.