Monday, May 11, 2009

V-Burnin' in the desert

Alrighty. Now i can write about healthysolidmeal with a good conscience. Had a very fine HSM yesterday. Made a fat veggie stirfry of red bell, poblano, jalapeno, white mushrooms, shiitake, red cabbage, bean sprouts, garlic, onion, saffron, cilantro, cardomom, fennel, rosemary, cracked black, ton of salt...mmmm. Threw that on some brown rice and radish seeds and piled some baked swordfish and ahi tuna steaks on that. (So happy).

Problem was i didn't manage to get the v-burn in last night. we went bowling with nate and beryl and clan instead. Dealing with my three crybabies for three games was enough to make me want strong liquor. Exercise didn't happen. So i did it today. Didn't feel quite as puke-inducing as last weeks. First set of hand walkouts i did on 90 deg. dirt blistered and shredded my hands, so i ended up stopping for a tape up after set five. That was by far the most agonizing bit of the workout. i'm hoping i haven't screwed up the rest of the workouts this week. Monday's workout felt real easy last week, but i wonder how those ab-wheels're gunna feel after the hand walkouts same day. Guess i'll write about that when i get to it.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

Oh,dang! Plant some grass bro.