Wednesday, May 4, 2011

circling the drain

First of all, i'm absurdly tired--more tired, indeed, than i could imagine. i feel like i imagine an 80yo would feel. Stack of effects, methinks. i'm still sore from that deadlift workout. Hamstrings are tight like bowstrings. Also i've been sleeping like shadoodoo, which i think is most of it. Mon i think i managed to do nothing. Yesterday i "climbed." i didn't have to come to the clinic in the afternoon, so i went to the gym to study. Thought i'd put a nice relaxed thorough workout in. It was easily the worst climbing session i've had in mellennia--yea, eons. i was reminded of how i climbed in high school: like the contents of a malodorous diaper. They put up a bunch of new routes, which i didn't notice til i'd been climbing a while. So i was tired when i started projecting, but i shouldn't have been that tired. i got shut down on a v3. i had no balance, and my widdle pingers clutched like boiled Top Ramen. Pain tolerance was lodged in the P-trap.

Anyhow, looks like i have fri off, so i should be getting down there in time for a not-particularly-late ETD from snytown. i'm thinking hard 'bout sliding in for another (hopefully redemptive) climbsesh tomorrow at lunch. i wanna do that back workout again before next week, but i'm afraid my sad li'l hams'll be sore for riding. And i kinda suspect i'll need all the reserves i can muster if i'm to fail to die out there.


Pappa G said...

Your number one goal should be to fail to die this weekend. Honestly, I'm scared for you. I think we've got enough armor together to at least keep your flesh on. Should be a good time.

c said...

i c. So if i keep my flesh on, i can have an open casket. :)