Queue some Enya or Celine. Chucked the skoal in the garbage last night, and started me a diet. And i'm hoping that without a beer to stay up for after the kids go to bed, i might be able to inter my carcass by 2130. Sleep would help many, many of my problems. So far the diet's in check. i was a li'l worried, cuz i managed to inhale maybe 3 bites of my breakfast this morning (which included a healthy helping of Fischer's sausage) before i got to work, and they were serving breakfast burritos to the staff at the hospital. But i got to go the doc's lounge, and they had a breakfast bar. So i managed to dodge the tortilla and (i think) the cheese. Bunch of eggs, bunch of bacon, green chile stew, and berries. But i gotta admit there's a leftover IPA in the fridge mocking me, and it makes me realize how used i've gotten to drinking, and how bad i am at not drinking. i think a few days of detox, and i'll start noticing how craplike i've been feeling for the last few months. Then it'll start getting fun. Right now it looks like a long dark tunnel--not fun.
m' doc's gone for the week, so i got to head early to the climbgym for some psych readings. i really wanted to do the back workout, but my hand wasn't bugging me, so i thought i'd get some laps on the walls. i actually didn't climb too bad. i didn't climb particularly well, mind you. But it has been much worse. It at least gave me hope that when i'm healed and maybe 5lbs slimmer i should be climbing tip-top again; maybe making some progress. i really think more than anything i gotta start athloning again. i think my blood is starting to jelly.
Lastly, i gotta thank you lads again fer letting me tag along for the ride. That was a good time! Didn't realize how dead my battery was 'til i got a little recharging. And i appreciate you letting me be a sponge. Hopefully next time we manage a man trip i'll be a contributing member.
i'm gunna try to post up daily something about how the diet's going, if only to keep myself accountable. If you come up with any dazzling recipes, etc, let a brutha in on it, eh.
I'm glad we could start this at the same time. I think it will be much easier with some correspondence. And you're right, the battery charge this weekend was a God send, for sure. I'm glad you could make it. Get yourself a bike and we'll find some places in NM to tear up.
Roger that. Willco on the bike. And i'm glad you're doing this too. Cuz i think i would'a leap'd off'n the bandwagon, an' had me a beer last night.
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