Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Shoes

 Well, i did take the Solutions back to REI. i thought these'd be better in pockets, and they have a killer edge, what with the stainless steel rims, etc.

i'm just foolin'. i actually traded 'em for some new Miuras---although i could kill a roach with 'em if i were so inclined. That's just the best climbing shoe ever made.

Today i climbed a bit. Good session really. Felt really nice and strong after nearly a week since the last lat workout. It's funny, but when i'm actually healed from that workout i can come pretty darn close to doing a one-arm pullup. Or at least, i can lock off on one arm, which seriously improves my climbing. Warmed up, then campused a v2. Then i flashed a v4 (although i question the grade). Then i got a "v6" second try. Definitely would down-grade that un, but it was still a cool climb. Had a nice li'l full-wingspan sideways dyno at the top of the boulder. Very nice feeling to stick that. Not a bad session. i am definitely feeling stronger and better in general with better eating, better sleep, and no alcohol or crappy sugars. Can't say i've lost any real weight, but i do think the spare tire's a little less floppy. And, crud...i'm just plain climbing better.


Pappa G said...

Dang. I hope those boots are the new coolness. I want some, cept shiny green with gold glitter.
I'm feeling pretty good myself. The booze is still a hard temptation for me, but I'm loving the diet.

c said...

Yeah. Steph's been having a glass of wine nightly, and the smell sends me into DTs. An' i've been jonesing like mad for pastries and chocolate. But i sho does like the effects of the diet, even if i get tired of eating nearly the same thing every day. i'm going to hafta change things up a bit when i get a second to think about it.

You over the plague, then?

Pappa G said...

feeling much better, thank you. The meals are getting a bit repetitive. had baked fish and broccoli last night. then chopped up baked fish into my scrambled egg bowl this morning. Fishy eggs. very interesting, but not bad.