i actually did my full back workout yesterday, and my chest/abs workout today. This is a good thing. i was starting to wonder if i could still do the workouts. Mostly i've spent the last month or so getting more and more sleep deprived, fat and injured. i also climbed a couple o' times in the last week. In fact, i've nearly trashed my left ring finger 'cuz of it. i'm starting to feel the deconditioning/fat gain. But it was nice to make it through the iron workouts this week. It gives me hope, cuz i really haven't lost just tons of pull. Worked up to a couple of sets of 2 with 100 on the pullup chain. Worked up to a set of four with 275 on straight leg deads. That's within spitting range of my heaviest lifting. i made a point to take it easy cuz i didn't want to hurt my old self, but i really didn't end up shaving much off of the workout. Still worked up to 2 x 6 with 185 on bent o'er BB rows. i've just been pulling that weight in the recent past, so to still be able to pull it at the end of the workout is a happy sign. Only thing is i'm super sore today, and i've felt that special nausea of massive toxin release i only get after a several-weeks lay-off. But i know it gets better from here, so i'm happy to have that out of the way.
Now i just gotta start doing something with me lungs again.
I'm pretty sure my lungs quit working a few months ago. I have really got to fix that.
Mmmhmm. i think i'm actually worried about taking mine for a drive. Might get a block out, and crumple into a ball and die.
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