Thursday, April 19, 2007


1 Megaton

Just for the record i did a fairly skeletal back workout (RE on Pullups and Rows) on tues. and i ran for ca. an hour yesterday. Haven't had much time to post this week. my b-day was tues., steph's is today and Ian&Monica are coming tonight, so it's tight. Anyhow, i'm on m' way to the climbing gym with some birthday lucre to renew the ol' membership. i can already feel life getting better. It's always been the breaking strain on my iron workouts to try to integrate 'em with climbing or triathlon. Thing is, i know if i stuck with it and modified my workouts to fit, i'd get strong as atch-ee-double-hockey-sticks. So i could use some cheerleading. Or else, i need to be roundly abused and mocked if i bail. i do have that bleedin' Inzer belt coming in (hopefully this next week) and that should inspire me to get over the hump. It's amazing how motivational really expensive gear can be to go use it. Never fails to get me through a season.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

Cool man. Back in the climbing gym, eh? That should ad a new twist on the workout schedule. Try not to break anything vital. After this meet, we are changing up our program a lot. Going to three days in the gym and three days on the track. I've gotta drop some lard and regain some mobility. Should be interesting for the next three months, then back to the gym 4 days a week.