Thursday, April 5, 2007


203 lbs. Edging 204. Sitting on me arse a li'l much here of late.

ME Bench:

25 with the bar for a warmup.
5 x 135
3 x 165
3 x 175
1 x 185
1 x 195
1 x 205
1 x 215 (new PR)

Took these real gingerly. After the warmup, i wasn't sure what my shoulder was gonna let me do and so i decided to do an ME workup. Figured i'd take it in little increments and feel out the ceiling. Long about those last two pushes m' wee left anterior delt was talking some smack about just unravelling on me, but i yelled at him, and he did what he was supposed to do. Funny thing is that the weight wasn't all that hard; no gut-busting here. i think i could'a pushed more if my shoulder weren't tweaking so bad. Anyhow, this was a study in perfect form. Funny how efficient you get when you know that getting sloppy and failing is probably gonna cost you a month or so of rehab.

Incline DB Bench:

3 x 60s

Left shoulder up and filed for a divorce, and i just laughed and racked 'em. That was plenty.


The music, it turns out, was more motivating tonight.