Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wanna hear it go

There is a climbing comp in Amarillo this sat. methinks i'll not be making it. Steph had her scheduled appt. with the midwife this morning, and she's "thinning" and 2 kilometers dilated. Now she's trying to squeeze 'til the 3rd, which'll be the 36 week mark. we'd all be happier if she was projecting till week 37, but it's looking sketchy. Anyhow, we could just have us a baby boy this weekend.

i got m' physical today for school. Happily, he forewent the rectal exam. That's neither here nor there, only it lifted my spirits.

i went climbing a couple o' days ago. Didn't go too badly for a fatboy. i'm back over 200lbs., but i still sent a slew of v3s and 4s. Think i'm gunna go climb today; might be the last chance i get for a while. Sorry to trouble you all again, but i'd appreciate the prayers for the babe--if he comes in the next few days he'll be pushing the development envelope. Staying a week or two in an nbicu again would be super stressful under the circumstances. There're certainly worse problems to have, i know; but that'd be neat if he comes out perfect and healthy and well. Peace.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Buen Dia

One o' those days, i guess:

Got m' grades all in from school, and got 3 As and 3 Bs. That means i'm really, truly, really, fer real in grad school.

Ordered a laptop. (Actually accomplished one thing toward getting to the first day of school).

Took Annie to the Kettergym with me, and she pulled down with some focus for once. This is a good sign. An' i sent a v6. Gunna hafta say it was more 5ish, but i haven't sent one of those either in a coon's age; so i'll take it. Sick li'l problem, whatever it was.

Replaced the fuel filter on the van yesterday, and a spark plug wire today--and it seems still to be running.

And we get a li'l vacation yourward tomorrow.

Now if Steph can jus' keep the youngest corked in 'til the 3rd...

Anyhow, feels more like Thanksgiving today. i like days like this. Thank You, God.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

baby-steps to the refrigerator

Finally finished with finals! WooHoo! By the grace of God, i snagged a 95 on that last one. Pretty confident i did well enough in Micro. Already have my grades for Micro lab and A&P 1 lab. As long as i didn't endo on my A&P 1 lec final, or A&P 2 lab, i'm set. Now i just gotta buy a stethoscope and a K worth of books.

Climbed yesterday. i think it's slowly starting to come together again. Ended up making serious throws at a couple of v6s. They'll both fall soon. Amazing how much of a difference it makes to climb with some motivated, strong guys. Anyhow, i'm encouraged 'cuz i haven't lifted in nearly 3 months, and while i haven't really gained any weight, i know i've switched a lot of fat for muscle mass; so if i'm climbing like that knowing that i'm outta shape, it gives me a nice dose of hope for what'll happen when i get back into shape. i am suddenly highly motivated. Plus, the classmates and i will be doing physical exams on each other, and i think it'd be neato if my gut didn't curl up in my lap and wink at me whenever i sit down. This, too, is somewhat motivating.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Three classes down; three to go. Unless i've seriously misjudged, i'm holding at least Bs in everything so far. Please continue praying. i'd really like three mo' Bs-or-better.

Climbed today for the third day in a row. Today was the first day in a week or so that i've felt sorta well. i'm still horking up axle grease, but it's less frequent now; and i can breathe a bit better today. Trend for the last week's been that i drop off a v3 and i'm sucking wind like an emphasemic rhinocerous. i did jack my shoulder up again--only i've done that so frequently now, it barely slows me down. Today was a pretty good day of it. Nothing super hard, but i got several 3s and 4s, and i felt a lot better than yesterday. i've been working on a short "v6" that i think'll go; only i'm gonna hafta heal a ring-finger crimpy tendon first. It involves hanging most of my fat arse off'n a crimp, and that finger mutinies against my authority each time; but it will fall into line sooner or later. i will stick the four foot dyno, i will finish the problem, and i will glory in the adulation of the masses. (Else, i'll smile and pump my fist a few times for the onlooking crickets.)

i'm very looking forward to this next week being over. i would so very much like to know i'm actually accepted to school, and that i can get on with concentrating on that; and i really, really want to get back into shape.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Sunday, 8:30. i'm trying to meditate on the rhythmic blinking of the cursor. Tomorrow, 12 hrs. hence i start the interview. i've been sick all weekend, and i'm a tiddle nervous about whether i'll have a voice, or be coughing lung tissue, or'll just be snotting like a faucet as i've been today. i look very forward to being at about this point tomorrow evening; and mostly i look forward to being at this point tomorrow knowing i've been accepted. [Pause here to pray for a brutha'].

i climbed the last few days, in spite of being sick, 'cuz i didn't figure i'd get much of a chance with finals, etc., this coming week. Didn't amount to much, save a decent workout. i'm actually losing fitness here. haven't gained much weight, but i haven't lifted in nearly a month and a half--and i can definitely tell. i'm hoping things smoothe out after this next week. i have a feeling things'll emotionally smoothe out for me after tomorrow. [Again, pause here to pray for a brutha'].

i'll fa' shizzle let yas know if i'm a winner or a loser tomorrow evening. Peace. Inner peace. In-in-in-inner peace.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Yadda yadda yadda

Went climbing today. Got that goofy v4 project that'd been tossing me. Fairly wrecked my shoulder/rotator cuff again shortly thereafter. Blah blah blah...

Anyhow, post up some pics of my nephew, wouldya. we needs the photo shoot.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Unexpectedly got outta class early, and went in to climb yestern. After 24 almost uninterrupted hours of healing, i hearby declare my rotator cuff Mostly Rehabbed. Sent this cool li'l v4 crimper that starts as a mildly overhanging friction stem. It's really amazing what miracles 3 or 4 days will do a body of not pulling with as much force as my chunky butt can generate on the smallest possible holds m' fingers can find purchase on. This route felt possible the couple of times i'd piddled on it before; but it'd spit my bootay off. Felt hard. Yesterday it went first try without much effort.

Then i snagged another v4, although i ended up dynoing past the crux, which i'm willing to say probably knocked a number grade off.

Made really good progress on a stiff 5, even though i didn't get it. i was super happy 'bout this one. i haven't climbed anything close to a PR since before i hurt my ab a month or two ago, so i'm pleased as punch to be pulling hard moves again, even if i'm still too fat to link 'em.

Ended up working maybe the hardest 4 i've yet seen called a 4 right at the end of the session. Too tired, but it'll go next time, i'm confident. Man, it felt good to generate some full-body force again. Almost inspires me to go running.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Spaulder o'er the mail

Took three hard days off to get to today. Right, and i actually climbed yesterday, but i count it as a rest day, notwithstanding. So i clumb today, but i didn't have much time (babysitting complications; full stop). Met a friend at the gym, threw down a v2 or two, and we started working this squidgy v5 sans real warmup. i made progress, and was happy, but was wise enough to say i wouldn't get 'er today. So i recommended a tricky, thin v4 i poked at yesterday.

i slithered through the first moves, got to this weird, wide iron-cross position on a bad slippery hook for a foot, and my foot popped; leaving me, of course, hanging in that iron cross position on two slopey crimps. Long story short [funny how i can make stories that really took fractions of a second to transpire into minutes-long epics when i'm largely drunk and .5 hrs into a sleeping pill], i did some egregious damage to my poor rotator cuff again. She hurts. ( i call 'er a "she" 'cuz she whines more than any male i know, the hatchet wound).

Anyhow, instead of crying like a li'l girl i jumped back on and sent. Then we went upstairs to the roof, and i nearly sent the stupid 4 i've been working on for a few days now. Only i botched the last friggin' move and crumpled. Then i went to class. Could hardly steer my car 'cuz of m' shoulder. Could hardly think in class 'cuz of my wankery on that finish hold.

we got outta class early, so i ok'd it with Steph and went back to the gym. i wanted to be sure my shoulder was warmish, so i ran through this v3 i've done before. It's got this 3-4 finger suitcase handle hold on it on the roof. Turns out it should be 3 fingers 'cause i used 4, my feet cut loose, i swung one-handed, pulled myself back on and sent; dropped and i'd torn most of the important bits of the proximal phalanx of my pinkie off. i was very glad it was on the right hand, because between a strained Q.L., and the newly thrashed rotator cuff, a bleeding flapper on the left would'a' been excessive.

So i taped up real good and sent that yotch: two new 4s in a day.

The shoulder at this point was armoring up something ferocious, so i wanted to make it a good day before i couldn't utilize it further. Went down to the boulder and pulled through a v4 crimp problem i'd done before. i really doubt that it's a proper 4, but that's what the tape says, so i'll take it. Three 4s in a day, all on a damaged rotator cuff. If i heal from this, and drop five lbs., i might be pushing hard stuff again.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

No country for old men

i climbed this evening for a bit. i even had a clever title picked out for m' blog post before i went in. i had a few minutes after lab tonight, and i was gonna go send a pesky v4 that'd eluded me a few tries yesterday--i was gunna put to rest my "unfinished bi'ness". But the gym was packed, and there was no place to warmup, so i just went upstairs and started climbing on the roof. Only i'm very decrepit, and bilateral biceps tendonitis set in; and rather than squealing like a tiny female, i just kept climbing and burning to delight my li'l fan club.

In my defence, i did send some climbs i had no right to expect to send; but The Proj dodged me again on the finish hold. It'll go fer sure, and when i'm fresh (and healed from this agonizing destruction i've wrought on my tiny arms) it'll go fairly effortlessly. Here's to about three consecutive days off, and to finding sanity in the interim.

Friday, November 13, 2009


First a prayer request: Steph's stayed home for the last couple o' days from work 'cuz her contractions have gotten really bad/frequent. Two nights ago we almost took her in to the clinic because she'd had ten contractions in an hour. They seem to subside rather a lot when she relaxes, but it's starting to look like that calls for a couple of months of near bed-rest. we're trying to figure this out, 'cuz we sho' don't have the funds for it. i'm not too worried; only i wish i knew what my status was going to be with school. i'd just go find a job if i knew i weren't going to be accepted.

On the workout front, interestingly i've had some seriously stale climbing sessions this week. Funny, because i ended up getting more rest than usual through last week and the weekend. Anyhow, i'm gunna try to go in today for a short one, and maybe get in to the irongym too. i'll be praying for Meg. Peace.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

back to the ol' X axis

Had a tiny parcel of time to extirpate yesterday after class, so i wandered in to the climbin' gym. i'm gun' go ahead and chalk that one up to a case study on the effects of being wiped-out tired. Hands, interestingly, felt pretty good after doing nothing at all with 'em for nigh on a week, but the rest of the flesh was weak. Capped the workout off with an attempted ankle wrenching. Funniest thing: i ran up this v2 just to say i'd climbed something, and it was really pretty high. i'm hanging from the finish hold, looked down, and consciously told myself to pay attention and not twist my ankle; i dropped, and twisted my ankle pretty much on cue. Don't think it was too bad--it didn't swell like a grapefruit or make me cry, or anything nearly as embarrassing as that--but it does still hurt today.

Didn't do my irongym workout for this week yet. Bums me, but i just haven't felt up to it. Ah well: it was awfully good to see you guys this weekend. i'll take some late nighters anytime for some fellowship.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Again i went in to the climbgym thinking someone would show up to toprope with me. But no; it was not to be. So i bouldered. Again. Ended up doing a lot of climbing. Didn't pick up any v5, but i did get my head wrapped around a couple. Gunna hafta get some sleep (on the order of, say, a week's worth, with no climbing in between bouts) and chomp some power pellets to get either of 'em, but they'll go. And i did do 3 v4s just to say i did. One of 'em probably actually is v4. Then right at the end of the session, a guy comes in and we ended up toproping a couple after all. Had to hang a couple of times on an 11, but only 'cuz i was burned down: i'd already been climbing for 2.5 hrs by then. In fact, i don't really think it was an 11. Anyhow, i can't complain.

That was a fairly encouraging workout still sore from the lat/ab workout 2 days prior, and another hard, closely spaced climb sesh on saturday. Feels like it's coming back together. And i think i'm starting to lose a little of the pudge i put on whilst gimping about injured. It's amazing how many extra calories i burn in that once-per-week "accessory" workout in the irongym.

Protein and sleeping pills ought to be in tomorrow. i'm a li'l amped about that. That'd be just cool to sleep again. You'uns still well on your end there?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Crazy times

Well. It'd been a hair over a month since last i pumped any i-ron, so i went in tonight. Not as bad as i'd imagined, but i took it easy. Kept it a smidge skeletal to ease back in, but i hadn't lost as much as i'd expected--although i'll probably still be sore tomorrow. Anyhow, i hope that's got me back into the rhythm.

Climbed yesterday. That was one very fine day of climbing. didn't bother messing with any hard projects, but i climbed a lot. And i put to rest several more nagging problems that'd slapped me down at the comp. Climbed 'til i was melting off of 2s and then 1s. Pretty good enduro session. i'm still not making gains on the v5-6 count--mostly, i think, 'cuz i've gained probably 5 lbs. from being injured and sick, and not able to do much for big chunks of the last month. But my hands are starting to show signs of meathookish strength again when i manage to take a few days off and heal, so i feel really encouraged about the prospects if i can whip me into some kind of shape again. i think some cool problems will fall.

Please keep praying for us about my app to school. It could happen. And bring yer shoes and harness when you come; maybe we can take the kids to some pretty places.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Determinism 101

Climbed-- i think--on tues. Good session, really. Cleaned up a bunch more problems from the comp, including a v4 that earned the grade. Still haven't gotten in to the irongym. Every time i get home and have the time, i'm too tired to go.

last transcript finally made it to caspa. Now it's a matter of waiting to see if they'll bother processing it fast enough. Amazing how much Tums it takes to wait and see if you'll accidentally have a career or not. Funny that it's come down to this. Story of my mutha fing life. Guess i should shut up and be thankful the transcript made it. Well if i get in, there'll be no question about whether maybe it had anything to do with my hard work or brilliance: it'll have had absolutely nothing to do with me.

Took my second a&p2 test today. Studied for this 'un. finished and thought i'd done really well on it, but i didn't. Bastard writes 'is tests on the stupidest bullshit trivia, you can have a high level of control over the material and it still comes down to guessing on half the questions. Every effin' question was double layered. So you can get an answer correct, but if you don't get all the correct answers you lose. Absolutely unnecessary. Absolute bullshit.

Right. Off to lab to daydream about what it'd be like to sleep ever.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pics o' the trick new kicks

Admittedly, these could use some Photoshopping. The contrast is a tad low. Blanched pic (and ghastly ankles), notwithstanding, these puppadogs fit like ballet slippers. In fact, i can do en pointe in 'em. One can stand on literally anything. And the price was the best i've found.

They actually highlighted just how eight-ball-esque the La Sports had become: i didn't feel so much like i was wearing ice skates whilst climbing. But i am emotionally attached to m' Miuras, and Sport's XS Grip rubber does rock worlds when it's not polished to a glossy sheen. But it's been a while-e-o since i've had a pair of aggressive, down-cambered chisels on, and these things are made for edging. Tres cool. Also, (as you can sorta see from the pic) they're totally covered in rubber, so the bicycling/toe-hooking/heel-hooking capacity is just neato-bandito.

i hauled 'em to the Kettergym yestern for to run 'em through the rigors. i can't say i say i was up to the task of maxing out my machines, but i did send a swarthy fistful of v3s--and even (supposedly) a v4 (although i righteously downgraded it).

i almost definitely shouldn't have climbed, but i felt like moving. The night before, we went to the bro-in-law's, and inadvertantly got torn down. Six or 8 oz. of Scotch with a half-liter of Merlot, along with a 2:00am bedtime is no way to prepare for an athletic endeavor (unless you're, say, G) and i rightly came out of it with bilateral biceps tendonitis and, i think, gout. But it was another glimmer of hope. i was a hemisphere away from pulling with a full Vitality meter, but i still pulled acceptably. Now i need about a week off of climbing with just running and swimming my chunky arse into skinniness.

And a tiny prayer request. i reckon in the Grand Scheme it isn't that important, but i'm on the hairy, razor's edge in getting my app to caspa on time. i've submitted, but they're waiting on a transcript before they can process it. Once they get it, it'll still take at least 2 weeks to process. That'll put me in line for the last possible interview in the middle of november. If they still have slots left by then, i feel fairly confident i could be accepted, but it seems (from this perspective) pretty iffy that they'll get it processed in time. i'm a tad nervous.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Light in the tunnel

i guess what i meant to say is that today i'll send the Miuras Boulderward. Yesterday i got roped into climbing again with a friend; only it turned out to be a good session. That is, i was nowhere near 100%, but i felt--i dunno--normal. Ish. i went in, felt a li'l tired, a li'l sluggish, deinitely a li'l chunky; but i felt normally tired, sluggish, and fat. It was a hopeful feeling. i climbed prob'ly a few 3s and a 4--cleaned up some stuff i should'a' walked at the comp. But it was so totally different than the last several days've been (including at the comp) that it was like i had a different body. i mean, it really makes me wonder if i've been sick, and just didn't have the ostensible symptoms. At any rate, it's kindof an exciting feeling to think that i'm not just suddenly over the hill, but that i might actually recover and feel strong again in the nearish future.

Dude. i was ripping off o' holds at that comp that... if you can comfortably wrap your chin over a hold, you ought'a be able to hang from it in my opinion.

The new shoes supposedly shipped yesterday. Happy am i.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

These three remain: Off-Days, Nutriment, and Sleep; but the greatest of these is...

i climbed yesterday. That is to say, i was physically present at the gym, and made multiple series of climbing-like movements. i really went in to size a new pair of the Optimus Prime i won in the comp raffle. i gotta order 'em online, and i didn't want to take a guess. Turns out a hair small and they'd fit neatly into any international treaty's definitions for torture. Sick shoe though. we'll see if i dialed 'em right. The climbing, though, was abysmal.

Clumb again today 'cuz it was convenient and i had a sec to kill. i think i lasted ten or 15 minutes before i left in disgust. i am not healing. i can't seem to sleep. i always think i don't sleep well--until i go through a real spell of deprivation. Then i start sensing what hell might feel like. i do think i'm gunna go ahead and take this opportunity to send my Miuras to Boulder for a resole. That'll at least keep me from climing for a week or so, even if it doesn't help me sleep.

At any rate, the weather's perfect, and i think you should come up here for to partake in a weekend of it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Yank 'n' Yard '09

From a personal, critic-level perspective, i guess i'd have to go with two out of four stars for ye olde comp. i can level very little of my criticism on the gym, because, as usual they did a fantastic job of production and routesetting. But i had one putrid day of climbing. It did, however, assume a positive slope as the day progressed.

The format was a bit different this year. For the last few years it's been an ABS sanctioned event; but this year they also had a $3,000 purse for the top 3 in men's and women's, and another $3,000 or so worth of "raffle" prizes. Also they added a sick roof on the upstairs boulder cave in time for the comp. Heck, they even roped in Timmy Fairfield to routeset. All this resulted in about 200 people showing up-- around twice as many as last year. This (and a d.j. who couldn't find the volume knob) led to my snarling consternation.* There were way too many humans in that gym. They did have the sense to stagger (with only an hour of overlap) the open division and the age-groupers; but even so--- The morning session was two hours long. The goal was to do as many climbs as you could, and tally your top eight scores. In two hours i had done two (2) climbs, and had managed exactly eight burns. Sometimes you'd spend 15+ minutes waiting in line to get a second try on a climb. There were so many people that in order to give climbers room to fall and swing, the rest would have to squeeze back like sardines to the background. i mean, you couldn't even get a good look at the moves on your proj whilst waiting. Flippin' nuts. And to really grind in the irritation, Jazzy Jeff kept Welcome to the Jungle cranked to mosh-pit magnitude, such that you'd have to cup your hands into an ear horn and lean forward to hear the judge call your name.

i left after the first round to take a lab mid-term, and i almost didn't go back for the second round. But i was glad i did. The morning's nerves had worn away, and not having slept for the antecedent decade had once again stopped affecting my timing, and i started climbing like i thought i should. And that's saying something about my level of frustration, 'cuz i started with really low expectations. But i let go of the notion of working hard problems, and made it my goal to just have fun and snag eight. Turned out to be a fine strategy. my torn oblique continued to plague me through the day, but the second half felt more relaxed somehow. Probably some people had left, i found a way to avoid the decibels, and i found a mellow group to work some stuff with. Ended up getting exactly eight climbs, and 3rd place in the 30-39 age group--which is funny because i'm pretty positive i didn't climb anything harder than v2. Oh, and i also won a pair of climbing shoes (which i happened to need quite badly).

i do wish i'd climbed better and felt better, but i can't complain about the shwag haul.

*O.K.--and the fact that i fell repeatedly off of stuff that should have been light warmups.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

i really mean it this time...

No more climbing 'til saturday! NO, i say!

i think i've been in every day this week. Yesterday i signed up for the comp, so, fortunately, i was not allowed to go in today. Got a good toproping session in yesterday though. i wasn't gonna go in unless i found someone to rope up with, cuz i wanted to keep 'er light and easy. Ended up flashing a 9, then an 11-, fell off a 12- a couple of times (but i think i could'a' sent if my abs weren't mutinying against me), gave up on that, lowered and up and down climbed an 8+, then flashed another 10+ (which i downgraded to a 9), then flashed another 10 beside it. Felt like a monster, except i had to climb really tight and static and smooth to appease the Ab Gremlin. If i could get a session like that in even every couple of weeks, i'd be pow'rful strong, and have huge, sexy water-hose-like veins bulging outta my forearms. i probably won't be climbing at 100 por ciento at el comp, but i wouldn't be anyhow with the tweaky oblique, so the self-flagellation will be light. i'm serious about maintaining the attitude that i'm in it for a new teeshirt and a coldbeer at the end.

Speaking of which, i haven't precisely quit drinking altogether either; but i have negotiated it down to one drink the night, which probably isn't doing too much damage. Mostly i wish i could get a really good night of sleep tonight and tomorrow. That'd be some empyrean ambrosia. i do wish you'uns could be here. Should be a fun weekend. Maybe in the next few weekends, yes?

Monday, October 12, 2009

march to midterms

i'm gonna try to lay off the climbing till sat. climbed today. Hands felt pretty strong. If my abdominal wall will heal, i should be recouped enough to at least feel justified spending the money on the comp. i'm going to try to stay with some very light stimulation--maybe running or swimming if i can swing it--and nothing else. i haven't been drinking all that much, but i'm gonna try to lay off of that too. And if i can string together enough v8s, i might just win the $1,000 purse. (Or more realistically, if i can just not leave in an ambulance i might score another "The Women of Climbing" calendar). i'd be pleased as punch to score a crash pad or a set of draws.

So. About you people coming up here in the moderately near future...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Milking the Muses

Thought i'd effuse a bit, as i'm not in the mood to go to bed just yet. Some prayer requests first. Looming largest: the boy seems determined to escape from Womblandia asap, which at this juncture would be devestating to his health. Steph's been having some mad and occasionally frequent contractions, and the li'l dude's languishing somewhere around her pelvic bowl. She's (actually, make that: we're) a little worried about her having to go on bed rest for the remaining two or so months. Besides the fact that we'd be absolutely bankrupt, there's just is no way really of painting the possibility of lying in bed for 12 weeks in a happy light. She's gonna try to get one of those pregnancy belts to relieve some pressure, but we're both a tad nervous presently.

Next, i'm getting a bit concerned about my chances of getting my pa app submitted in time. That's all i'll say about that, but it's got me bummed. i'd appreciate yer prayers.

On a totally meaningless note by comparison, i'd planned to switch labs for next saturday so's i could spend the day at m' bouldering comp; only it turns out i've got my lab midterm next saturday exactly during the finals round. It probably works out as a blessing, 'cuz my oblique is still in a bad way, and maybe it'll keep me from hurting myself. At any rate, i might score me a new tee shirt, and maybe a sweet raffle prize. i really want to go outside and do some climbing, and some under-the-sky sleeping, and some non-electronic-people chatting. i nominate you as coworkers in this endeavor.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Back on [a] track

Yesterday was a good day. First, we found out we're having a boy (Thank You, God!), and that he's healthy looking as far as ultrasound can discern. It's nice to occasionally get something right, even if it doesn't have anything at all to do with me. And that's not to say that girls are bad either; i'm very fond of my chickies. Only there'd have been a great disturbance in the cosmic reticulum with that sort of estrogen buildup in our li'l house.

Then i went climbing for a few minutes. Goal was to take 'er easy, and see if any knitting had occurred in ye olde abdominal peritoneum, or if i'd really rent it asunder as i'd first expected. Also i wanted to see if my forearm wussiness goes deep, or if this tiredness is just on a fine-motor-skills level. And if i don't start doing something active i'm gonna be so fat soon that it won't matter if i do heal.

The problem was that they'd finially finished the upstairs bouldering roof-- so now there's a fully inverted roof to hack through for us boulderers who've no one to rope up with. Full 12 or 14" deep crash floor, so you could fall flat on yer back from the ceiling and break no vertebrae. The draw was irresistable. So i giiiingerly got on a v1, but dropped cuz i didn't trust my structural integrity. But there was little pain. i did ten pullups, and there was little pain. Then i nearly sent a reachy, stretchy v4 roof problem on the 10th-ish try (which i would'a' flashed if i weren't scared for my guts spilling onto the glossy new matt), and there was little pain. i remained a bit afraid of doing the last move, which was a footless, core-intensive dyno, because i had vivid visions of a Monty Python-esque evacuation of my visceral gelatine.

Then i went down to the lower cave on my way out the door, and thought i'd see if the v1 i hurt myself on last week was still so intimidating. Turns out it was, and i'd really not like to be on that climb anymore. So i'm definitely not back to 90%, and my forearms are still inexplicably weak and sore from whatever sickness i contracted--i burned down fast, but i've high hopes that i'll be close to form for the 17th. i couldn use a good day of it at the comp. Or i'd at least like to feel good enough to spend the money and score a t-shirt. i still think you'uns should road trip up here for it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cain't touch this

Captain's log, stardate 2009.

Wed. morning i woke absolutely positive i had a blood clot in my right brachial artery. Felt like i had a deep bruise in my right bicep, but i hadn't been hit or anything. Then the area got hot to the touch and the skin around was splotchy pink. Then my hand got ice cold. Then it seemed to move down and my wrist turned pink and sorta swelled, and i couldn't really bend it. i called for a doc appt., but couldn't get in 'til today, so i tried an after-hours clinic, and they told me my insurance had expired. So i just popped a largish handful of aspirin. Then the next day (yesterday) i woke up and all my muscles hurt. Later on i got feverish, but all day i just felt weak and generally in pain. Fortunately it was my longest day of school.

i ended up going home, popping yet another handful of aspirin ('cuz i had a nice toasty fever, and was shivering so hard i thought i was gonna puke), and going to bed at around 7:30. Woke up this morning at 8:30. i slept for 13 hours. If it's been a while since you've slept for 13 hours, let me recommend it. But i woke up every few hours drenched in sweat. At some point i had to put a towel down on the bed cuz i was floating, which made me shiver again. Anyhow, i went ot the doc today, and he said it all sounded like a viral infection of some sort. Bad times really, only he did say it didn't sound like H1N1. That's comforting. And i think i'm on the upswing.

i'm just hoping i'm back to near 100% for the 17th. You guys need to come up for the Yank 'n' Yard. With three of us vying for schwag, there'd be a fine chance one of us'd score a crash pad or a rope or something.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

'Nuther un

Watched "I Love You, Man" last night. Yet another movie i'm embarrassed to admit i watched all the way through. Made me think what if that were really what life was all about? Very depressing thought. If you have the chance, i'd avoid that one.

Anyhow, i went to the climbgym again yesterday after lab-- mostly to piddle around. i was wanting to meet some friends there and do some routes, but they all dissed me. Ah well. Ended up bouldering (again), and i had low expectations. Did a kind of warmup on my home wall before i went to lab, so i felt pretty good really. Ended up finally sending one of my v5 projects. i kinda' doubt it's really a 5, or if it is, it just barely is; but it has a really thin, balancy, hard finish. i've tried the thing probably 30 times, and i'd race up to the end, grab the set-up for the finish (which is a match on this huge, slippery Fontainebleu sloper, with bad feet) and barn-door off-- over and over and over. i went in yesterday mostly with the thought of cleaning up a v4 that i'd left undone a few days prior. i'd done all the moves, and i thought it'd go pretty easy. Then i popped off the crux like a gaper four times in a row, and gave up. So i was milling around doing easy stuff, looking for some inspiration, and i thought i'd throw on this 5 again, just because even if you don't finish it, it looks hard. It's a good conversation starter.

It starts with a heel hook to a reachy match on a bad pinch under a roof; campuses footless on some crimps and slopers throught the opening to the cave 'til you've rotated 180deg.; then you swing up into a huge kneebar rest. Unwind outta the kneebar into a full-extension (for me) outside gaston on a crimp, then slap for the Font setup match. If your feet are perfect, and you still have the juice left you can toss sideways for the finish crimp. And somehow i got it. i'd snagged the finish before, but my feet had always been wrong and i couldn't match on it. This was a joyful moment.

i'm hopinig to get an iron workout in today. i want to change a few things up this time. i pulled an intercostal/rhomboid in my upper back, and yesterday i managed to damage an oblique in my abs, so we'll see how it goes.


i went in for the workout. Turned out to be a fantastically bad idea. Rip in my abs notwithstanding, for some reason i decided to try maxing on deadlift. i didn't have my Inzer belt with me, so i tried turning one of the gayguy tapered belts around backwards for a platform to valsalva against. i was planning on doing a pair at 405, but i nearly gave birth to my jejunum by C-section. So i quit and left. A beer and a handful of vitamin I later, i'm seriously hoping i didn't actually herniate my abdominal wall. Ah well: it only hurts when i breathe or sneeze, which means i feel pretty ok around 50% of the time. Peace.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Collagen depletion

This has not been a terribly spectacular week of climbing, but i thought i'd record the days i went in just so i can remember for next week. Seems like i just got in tues. and today. m' hands felt better on tues. after taking 4 or so days off, but my back and biceps were still rent asunder from sunday's iron workout. went in today for two sessions actually--or i split the workout up cuz i had to go to class. i just felt stale and sluggish today. Bad night of sleep last night mostly. But i hooked up with a friend in the second sesh, and it was fun climbing. we were both climbing way off our game, and just kept working hard problems anyway, so it was a good vibe. Ended up digging deep and pulling some crazy power outta the hat, but i didn't tie up any loose ends or hard problems. But that's alright, 'cuz it was nice to have fun climbing for the sake of climbing. It's been a while since i've fallen off of nearly everything and still left smiling. And i nearly separated several tendons from their respective bones, and that usually leads to happiness.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"You didn't get the 'moped monkey', you got the 'mopey monkey.'

me likey Pearls Before Swine. It'd be a fine present if someone were to get me a book of PBS for some holiday or another. Gives me a tickle in my ribs.

worked out proper this evening. Pretty much the same workout i've been doing on sundays, but i moved upward on a few lifts.


20xbw (i could tell the structural integrity of m' wee biceps was not at 100% on these)
6x+45 (this bade ill)
4x+70 (couldn't get 5)
2x+100 (stopped after this. i didn't lock out the second rep, and i decided not to do negatives.)
This was a li'l unexpected, 'cuz for the first time in several of these workouts i didn't climb the day before. In fact, i hadn't climbed since thurs., so i was banking on feeling better. Ah well.

Straight Leg Deads:

4x305 (Here's where not climbing the day before paid off: i could hold onto the bar.)
4x315 :-)
That last set i admit i didn't do on the box. They were still straight legged, and i still had 25lb plates as the biggest plates so the bar started maybe an inch or so off my feet, but it wasn't below my feet. The liftoff from on that box is the hardest bit of the workout. At any rate, i still loosed some yells to crank out 4. i'm calling it a pr no matter what you say.

Leg Raises:

3x12xankle weights
The sets of 12 instead of 10 was an improvement.

One Arm Cable Rows:

Felt pretty good about these. No cheating; no rocking. i wanna try these with DBs to see how it compares.

Bent O'er BB Rows:
10x135 (These felt airy)
This was a 10 lb. step upward.

WG Pulldowns:

10xsome weight
2x5xmore weight

This was a good workout, in my opinion. And as light as that chest workout was a few days ago, i'm still sore from it. i have caved in, withered boobs, and a tolerable back. At least i'm half a man.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Later That Night...

i'm sitting at Golfernoggins watching reruns of ca. 1954 Popeye. i think i'll make it my new goal to be able to crush open a can of spinach. Crud, i'd be fairly happy to be able to crush open a can of pretty much anything.

Popped in fer a 30 min. workout at the irongym. Engaged in sundry pushing motions. i have no chest and no anterior deltoids. Then i hopped on a bike ergometer for "1 mile." Turns out i have no quads either. But i burned like 46 calories.

Humiliating, but i guess ya gotta start somewhere.

Reality Check

Climbed mon., wed. and thurs. Thought mon. would be good, but i wasn't healed. Wed. was interesting. Sent a couple of 4s--one of 'em flashed. Then i talked with a guy for a long time about his marriage. That's a guy that could use some help. His wife and he are separated, but still married--neither of 'em wants a divorce--but she's dating another guy. And they have a two year old. Kindof a messed up couple o' people, and i don't get the impression they're very happy with it. Pray for them, would you.

went back yesterday for a 30min. session. Thought i'd just get some blood moving and kinda warm up. Did a long traverse on polished wooden holds; bunch of slopers and pinches. By the end of that i had this mega-pump i couldn't shake off, and my hands waxed arthritic. So i thought i'd try one of the 4s i'd done the day before. That didn't go so well. So i thought i'd jump on a 5 project. Needless to say, a sucking vortex opened in the continuum, and things took a steep downward spin. Fortunately, i had to go to micro lab, and i left.

Then i was leaving class and i called my mother in law. She said the kids and she had just been in a wreck. Annie got banged up a bit, and we ended up taking her to the er and sitting for 3 or 4 hours. Finally we left because they were only gonna do a c-spine and jaw x-ray, and there were maybe 8 or ten people in the er, and they appeared to have no motivation to do anything to anyone at all. i'm sure there was a constant stream of gurneys lined up for x-rays. Actually, i think the triage creature needed a chain-smoking break, figured there was probably no internal bleeding, and said Mehh, let 'em sit there till they give up and leave, and we'll have more time to eat donuts. Anyhow, seeing as she spent nearly a whole minute triaging her, and her blood pressure was just fine (whew!), and i didn't take her in for a flippin' x-ray to begin with, and there was approximately zero chance that she had anything that'd show up on an x-ray, and it wouldn't have been till around next mon. before a radiologist would've bothered looking at it anyhow, and they almost certainly would've been happy to let us sit in the waiting room until then, and there was no hope of getting a CT (which is what i went in for, since her head was killing her and i was afraid she'd banged it badly) we left. As far as i can tell, that's the way to run an er most efficiently and cost effectively: make a pt. wait until they figure out for themselves that there couldn't actually be anything seriously wrong or else they'd already be dead, at which point they decide to leave. i guess it limits liability.

But seeing as it probably would've cost an insurance company $8,000 to do a CT (that this hospital wouldn't use again for the remainder of the year), i guess head trauma in an mva is a poor justifier. It starts to feel like a Monty Python sketch after a while.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Engaged in crime i grasp my throat/ Enraged my mind starts to...

...yearn for a cup o' chamomile.

Skeletal workout this evening, but fine one, notwithstanding.


Um: 5x+110 Did the first one solid, but couldn't squeeze out a second clean, but i stacked some milk crates beside me and cheated me to the lockout for 4 negatives. Some myofibril ripping action there.

Straight Leg Deads:

4x305 :-) Busted out the chalk bag for this set. And i didn't fully roll my shoulders back for the lockout on the 4th rep, cuz my pinkie was coming unglued. i'm coming after you baby Bryant. It's on.

Hanging Leg Raises:

3x10x+ankle weights
It's weird how these don't really ever quit sucking.

i went back home in order to put my babies to bed with the intention of going back and finishing, but this squishy chair magnetized my buttocks to it, and i failed.

i climbed yesterday for one of the worst workouts i've experienced in a good while. i climbed on fri. and linked to the finishing holds on two v5 projects (although i didn't stick 'em for the send). Yesterday i couldn't stick the second move on my main proj. That was frustrating, but it was also illuminating: that is some steep, thin juju i'm trying to swing my chubby arse on, and people of my girth shouldn't have any sort of expectation of defying that much gravity. In fact, i'd bet there isn't anyone within 30lbs. of me climbing what i'm climbing. Crud, a year ago i would'a' chuckled at the thought of sending this climb; so i guess that's some improvement.

Now i just hafta get my bulbous ass to the top so i can quit trying to eke out slivers of sappy affirmation, and get on with seeing my enemies driven before me and to hear the lamentation of the women.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Why i feel safe in New Mexico

There was some traffic in the way, but i thought i'd post this otherwise lovely shot of a rainstorm moving over the scenic Sandia Mts. teeheeheeSNORT!
Ended up getting a pretty decent workout in at ye olde climbgym after taking that pic. Strange, but i just felt a li'l lighter afterwards; everything felt a tad easier. Somehow seeing a chick cop drive her auto all the way under another cop car left me with an unshakeable sense that maybe there is justice and beauty in the world-- and even i am occasionally in the right place in the right time.
And i feel pretty sure that if i'd just gone a li'l easier on the spicy Italian sub, and maybe'd taken the alpha gpc before working out, i'd'a' sent two stiff v5s back to back. i linked to the end on both of 'em, and just ran outta juice. i might try to sneak back in today after lab, and see if i can clean up one loose end or the other.
Ooo, and we watched Seven Pounds last night. i do think i might buy that 'un. i had low expectations, but that was a fantastic flick, in my opinion. Peace.

Friday, September 11, 2009

fried eh

For the ten thousandth day in a row, i slept miserably. i was visited again by j.w.s this afternoon, and i didn't feel like talking. So i gave 'em my phone number for a study. i guess i'll have to start boning up on my Bible, cuz i'm sure i'll get a weekly phone call for the remainder of my life until i sit down for a "study" with 'em. Who knows? Maybe they'll convert me. Maybe they'll proof-text me into submission with specious references to sundry prophets. Or maybe i'll convert them to my wishy-washy, cynical mode of belief. They just seem like such upbeat, boppy people. If only everything that proceeded from their mouths didn't seem like such trivial drivel...

And speaking of trivial drivel, i worked out on tues. i think at the climbgym. Definitely not fully healed in the ol' tendons, but it was an ok workout. Gunna try to squeeze one in today.

Monday, September 7, 2009

System test

Made it to the irongym yesterday evening after--what?-- two or three weeks off. It's basically the same workout i've been doing, but i edged up on a few sets, and generally felt pretty good. Didn't tweak the workout much; mostly 'cuz it'd been so long since the last one, and i wanted to get my corpse back into it with some stuff i knew i could do.


2x+100 (tried a third, but it failed at launch)
2x+110 (really didn't lock that second one out clean)
All in all, this was definitely upward motion for me. i haven't been able to pull reps with that much weight since lcu, and i weigh more now than i did then.

Straight Leg Deads:

4x275 (didn't lock out the last rep. Had to set the bar down (very quickly) so's not to drop 'er on m' feet. Hands were just coming unglued.)

Hanging Leg Raises:

3x10x+ankle weights
These sucked. Abs seem not to be the sort of muscle that just wake up after 3 weeks and say, "Alrighty, let's get it on!" i need to do these really more than once per week. And i wanna start doing some different ab work too. Some scissors maybe.

One Arm Cable Rows:

4x150 This was also an improvement. Didn't go to a heavier weight, but i started the rep pyramid a li'l wider.

Bent O'er BB Rows:

2x6x175 These felt good too.

WG High Rows:

2x5x210 Did these as kindof a cooldown, but they came off pretty good.

This was a control session. i didn't take any ergogenics before or during. In fact, i ate nothing but several handfuls of chocolate chip cookie bar before the workout, and i drank mineral water during. i wanted to do some chest, but i was moving at a snail's pace and had a nauseous pregnant woman at home with the trolls. i'd rather split it off for a second workout anyhow. Happy workout. we were pleased.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


'K. Being a natural skeptic, and generally bending toward hurling aspersions at hype, the claims by Biotest of their Alpha GPC ring of, well, content-free advertising. But i'm in for anything that claims to "increase[] peak force by 14% over and above the placebo value" in a single dosing. So as my own personal breed of starting a double-blind crossover study* i took the stuff--along with a half-dosing of Surge workout--for my eighth day in a row of climbing. i haven't yet bothered to read what sort of crack-rock they claim to employ for the job, but i crushed some plastic--as far as i can tell, without any tendon material left in my fingers. DUDE! That was bizarre. i went in with the idea of maybe stretching a li'l and warming up, and generally feeling worn down. But i nearly sent a v5 i've been working on for a few days. Got tired of the throngs after a burn or two, and meandered off. Ran into another five that looked brutal, and i absolutely knew i couldn't send. But i thought i'd see if i could work out some beta on it. i wrenched through the lower crux on my second try, and then i worked out the top crux. i didn't end up linking it, 'cuz i had just nothing left by the end, but i did all the moves. And by the time i finished i had a crowd of folks working it with me, and i watched some sick strong homies fall off it. There was this group that'd been making good progress on a 7 in the cave came over, and only one of 'em could pull it together.

Then i floated a 4 and a handful of 3s and 2s. That was a craaazy workout. i don't care if it's placebo or what: me likey. But now i wanna take some nice days off to heal, and see if i can get back and crank superhuman on that dope.

*While anyone outside of politics would scoff at a double-blind crossover study with a sample size of one, and in which i know what i'm taking every time, i do, in my defence, exhibit bipolar personalities, and am terribly forgetful.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


In between A&P lab (which, coincidentally, comprised perhaps the most boring three hours of my life since Thanksgiving in Midland) and Micro lab i went climbing for a 45 min. session. i think today made seven days in a row. Interestingly, i no longer seem to need to warm up; i just show up and all my blood knows where to go. i did a warmup of sorts anyhow, but it didn't feel like a warmup. i just got on a wall and cruised. Very refreshing. Then i sent a crimpy v3, which was painful because my fingers no longer even straighten--much less do they like to bend backwards. Then i came really close to sending a project 5, but i kept jacking up the finishing moves. Plus i could tell i was very low on endurance. But the cool bit was that i felt powerful and ...crisp?...crisp. i mean i was latching stuff proper and solid; just couldn't keep it up for enough moves--and i could tell it was just from raw exhaustion. i really believe that when i take a good long tendon recoup, and get maybe a few contiguous nights o' sleep, i'll come back and see a li'l mini-rampage.

Plus i got m' protein, more L-leucine and Alpha gpc in today, so i'm amped to try that stuff out. i feel really good, but really sleepy. i like this super accumulation gig. And i've lost the five lbs i'd gained.

Oh, and i really liked Gran Torino. "And what's with this 'bro' shit? They don't wanna be your bro, and I don't blame 'em." Heh heh.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Amazing chicken, man!! Hugs!!

In an effort to be more like Papa Gargamel The Non-Bodybuilding Boxer-Wearing Bodybuilder, i've decided to take no more rest days; instead forcing my corpse to adapt to rest hours--with the goal of eventually being able to work out more than i'm not working out. Also, i've invested in some Alpha GPC, which of course will take me to the next level with or without me, rivalling crystal meth and transcendental meditation for efficacy. There are--even with these elements in place--a number of things presently impinging on Ultimate Performance. The first is the perplexing and frustrating inability of my widdle pinger tendons to heal at even close to the same rate as my muscles. i take glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, protein, much water. Makes no difference: i still circle the drain with crippling arthritic pain 'til i take some days off. Maybe if i hung weights from my tips and tractioned the digits whilst i sleep....mmm.

Which leads to the second problem: i have totally lost the ability to sleep. It's been so long since i last slept well that i don't remember what it'd feel like to sleep. Which leads to the biggest problem of all.

i think i've packed on 5 lbs or so of squishy lard since moving to the peeps-in-laws' house. i've gotta do something about that. Amazing what an extra five pounds'll do to one's ability to latch a quarter-thick fingernail crimp.

Bleh. It's all a viscious cycle, and i don't know where to begin stopping it. Being groggy and sleepy all the time is unbelievably demotivating; not having sent a single cool problem in a month or so is demoralizing. Getting fat because i'm not in control of my world, and because no one else in my world gives a shit about eating well is maddening. i think i'm becoming bipolar. Maybe some lithium would help my tendons heal faster.

Later that day... [Amendment]

i finally sent a problem. True to my commitment to take no more rest days, i whipped in to the climbgym for a whirlwind sesh. Sent a v6 that goes fer sure at very stiff v4. Almost snagged another 5 right after it, but i was juiced. But i got something!! Joy! Mayhaps i slept better'n i thought last night; fo' shizzle wasn't as groggy as i was yesterday. i also picked up some flaxseed oil at the store, so i'm anticipating that i'll feel superhuman within a week or two.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Down in a hole

i "climbed" today. Morale/vibe/phsyche/mojo levels are reposing with most of the travellers on the Titanic. Haven't worked out in the irongym in--what?--week and a half. Just can't swing it. Haven't slept in approximately that long. It's weird: haven't had a drink, or anything like it in a long time now, and i'm fatter and sleepier than ever. i really wish i had a workout partner. This blows.

Ah well. School's 'bout to start for me, and i'm certain i'll have more free time then.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Speaking of super accumulation, i failed again today to tag my project. On the other hand, i got this techy v4 second try that starts from a hanging knee bar. Then i worked another project that i think'll go at either ultra hard 4 or soft 6. i was baked on it, and i thought i'd give it one more burn. Crux has you stabbing off of a heinous flattened-S-shaped pinch way out left to an undercling pinch with one foot flagging into space. Get that foot on a bad hold, then--seriously--dyno yer right foot up to a heel hook match on the right hand sloper. Stick that, and you can let go to slither up to a bad crimp. Only i was tired, and i got my foot up there, and my shoe pulled off of my heel. So i popped. i misjudged the distance to the mat by two inches, over-rotated, and nearly bent my knee backwards. By the grace of God i didn't pop a ligament, but i sat there for a few minutes unable to straighten my leg thinking delirious thoughts.

Not a bad workout, but i'm with ya: i gotta lose weight, and i gotta clean out some poisons. i can't help but think, though, that several of these projects would'a' gone already if it weren't 96degrees in the gym, and i didn't sweat all the chalk off of my hands by the fourth move. i'm kinda' looking forward to fall. But maybe i'll do some serious overtraining with you to get in the spirit of the thing and cheer you on.

And while i'm linking things, i want two of these and two of these for just whatever holiday you feel most generous on. It'd complete my wall. For a while...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Motivational Speaker

i had a thoroughly non-inspiring climbing session today. Could. Not. Pull. my. Schmidt. Togetha'. Had Aeon and Katja with me, so to be fair the juju beam was a li'l unfocussed. And this jackass 12 year old n00b was swinging on the gym rings right in front of my project 'cuz neither he nor his momma could read the huge flourescent pink sign that says "Please don't swing on the rings." And the music was cranked up to 2 or 3 decibals, such that if one cupped, say, a poster-board rolled up into a cone about one's ear, he might make out that music was, indeed, playing. And it was filthy hot. So if you would imagine climbing in an old-folks' home in mid-August Alabama with a bevy of Ritalin-starved grandchildren running amok, then you'd 'bout have the vibe. i s'pose the three glasses of wine i had last night and the subsequent night of not sleeping at all detracted as well.

i climbed nothing. At all.

On a brighter note, i did finally stick the crux on m' proj, and climbed through the finish, so i know it'll go. It's just frickin'---hard. And low percentage. But it'll go. i just could not link it from the start. It was one of those days where it was so frustrating that i couldn't stick that hold on link, i knew if just any li'l variable were different, it'd have gone. If somebody else were there working it with me. If the music were louder. If some hot chick had been on the treadmills. If i'd worn a different t-shirt. If i had a teeny bit higher pain tolerance, or if i'd taken my driver's license outta my pocket, or one less swig of water... i do not know. It was just that close. Absolutely maddening.

But it'll go. And the others will too. my hands and tendons felt healed and strong. Just had a low pain tolerance and low concentration level. Only a matter of time.

Oo, and i got into an A&P lab today (i'd been waitlisted), so i'm fully signed up for A&P 1, A&P 2, and microbiology for this semester. i'll be slicing up cadavers on saturdays. Don't think i'll be getting out much this semester. i'd appreciate your prayer.

Monday, August 17, 2009

1 4m 50 1337, 1 pwnd ur 4$$

Dunno. sounded like something a still-in-the-closet Everquest pro'd say. Anyhow, i lifted 505 on sat.

Little joke there, but i did work out, and it was a good 'un, in my opinion. i hate it when people use "ur" for "your". Makes me feel like a tard trying to sound it out. Lessee: "ur" in "urine". Is that really how we annunciate "your"? Only if you're a tad trisomal or make a habit of using your bedroom voice during casual conversation.

DB Bench:

warmed up with 40 or so bb bench with just the bar.

This was a token effort to do something to my whithering boobs. Killed my shoulders. Just weird: it felt like no weight, but my shoulders felt arthritic.

20xbw (These felt pretty easy)

i really would'a really loved a spot on these. i locked out with 90, but couldn't repeat, and i didn't feel like i had 100 in me. i'd like to go negative on these, but it's a bit hard without a spot.

Hanging leg raises:

3x10x+ankle weights

These, again, sucked; but there's definitely a benefit in taking a week off that isn't there after taking three weeks off.

Straight Leg Deads:


my goal now is to beat Bryant's pr straight legged, with the bar sitting on my feet. :)

One Arm Cable Rows:


This was a getting-back-into-it session, but these felt really good. Unfortunately, not drinking seems to be crazy healthy for me.

Bent Over BB rows:


These got a tad heavy towards the end.

finished with some wide grip pulldowns and one-arm pulldowns just to see how it'd feel.

So far, i'm waitlisted for an A&P lab, and a microbiology lecture, but if it all comes together i'll be taking A&P 1 and 2 and Micro all this semester. i'll be a monk if that happens. But if i pull that off, i have a good chance of starting pa school in jan. Please pray for us, eh.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

and still another

Rather than go to the irongym like i should have, i went back for another climbsesh. i have some trouble staying away when i've got open projects. As expected, i didn't climb so well, but then i mostly went in to stretch and meditate a li'l. i was watching this group of guys trying to campus a slopey 0+ for fun, so i tried it and campused it up and down. That was nice. At least the lats are still in high form, even if m' finger tendons are teetering on the spooky brink of -itis. i wasn't planning to climb again until fri. or sat., and i was slopping off of problems early on that i was nearly sending at the end of the workout last time. But i did work all the moves on several problems that i'm sure i'll link when i go in fresh. i'm gonna (fer real this time) try to get into the iron gym this afternoon, but i'll probably be using the wrist hooks on deadlift. i can't imagine being able to hold the bar right now.

Oo, you guys're on vacation, ain't yas? Well have fun then.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

another day

Climbed yesterday. Was an ok workout, but i didn't get m' project. Definitely wasn't entirely healed from the last one. Want to go back today, but it ain't happening. Gotta go pick up the kids here in a sec. i might try to get in to the iron gym tonight if i get back in time. Man, i need to sleep more.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Up here on the wagon

Haven't had a sip in a few days. No poisons to speak of, excepting the McDonald's breakfast yesterday. Strangely enough, i feel better. It was getting pretty bad. After that workout i last posted about i seriously almost threw up, and me no likey that feeling. But things are looking up. i finally got into an A&P class, which takes off a li'l stress. So far i haven't been able to get into microbio, so there's no reason to do both A&Ps in the same semester if i can't do it all. If that's how it ends up, i won't be able to apply to school for this Jan., but it'll make school way less stressful. At any rate, i've got a cadaver lab at 7:30 am on the other side of the city.

Climbed on fri. and tore it up. Sent a v4 i'd gotten hucked off'n at the comp. Spent the rest of the time working a 5. It is hard. Put in probably 15-20 burns figuring out how to get to, then touching but never sticking the crux hold. i'm pretty confident it'll go when i'm fresh, but it requires crushing fingerprints into a nasty bad pinch. i think i'm gonna have to heal to a new layer of strength to eke another 2mm of plastic outta the crux. That's a nice feeling. Very motivational.

The climbing wall at home is fully operational, and it works me. i'll get some pics posted when i get home long enough. we're deep into putting a new kitchen in our kitchen, and we can't stay at the house. It's gunna look pretty shweet though, when we're finished. You'll hafta come check 'er out. Peace to all yas.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

/i've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap/

went in to the irongym yesterday evening. While it was a miserable workout, it was also--enlightening. i think i have a good explanation why i've felt so sluggish lately, and why i've been climbing like sun-dried doodoo, and why i can't sleep to save my life. It was just over three weeks since the last iron workout i'd done, so i was deconditioned a bit for sure; but i couldn't finish the workout i did last time--by quite a bit--and i felt like puking before it was over. i think i've subtly and slowly been upping my stress levels (and concomitant drinking levels) to the stratosphere. i think between deciding not to go to PT school, to feeling inadequate to go to PA school, to trying to get into nursing school, to finding it nearly impossible to get into the classes i need for any of it, to finding out we'll be having another baby i think i've just grown kinda cozy with the thought of succumbing to cancer.

It's not, by the way, a terribly good option.

So yesterday i called up U. St. Francis, and talked with an advisor at length about their PA program. i was hugely encouraged by him. He said my grades and GRE scores, etc. were way beyond competitive, and when i asked about how heavily they weight job credentials and specific kinds of letters of rec he laughed it off. So if God allows it, i'm going to take the classes i need to get into PA school. That's what i really want to do, and Steph has strongly seconded that. Please pray. i'm going insane.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Having beaten "Mastermind World Conqueror" i guess i'll scribble a bit. Climbed today, but i may as well not have gone in. Nothin' to rave about.

Had a comp on fri. That was fun i reckon. It was Annie's birthday, and mum and da' were here, so i climbed my eight routes and jetted, so my score wasn't as good as it might'a been, but it was fun. i have been so sleepy and worn out lately that i just haven't been pulling it down like i want to. Also i've been playing on m' new wall a bunch, and that honestly isn't all that helpful right before a numbers session. But if i can get to the point where i'm doing some reps on that thing, i'll be strong. It's fairly heinous.

i'm planning on making me go to the irongym tomorrow, so maybe i'll have more to write about then. Oh, and i ordered some of that circumin stuff, and more fish oil. i thought about getting the alpha male stuff, and i'd still like to, but i'd be destroyed if spent that much at one time.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Here's one of Tuolomne Meadow at sunset.

Ummm... Upper Yosemite Falls

Another 'un of Tuolomne a li'l earlier.

me in front of the Captain. That is one large piece of granite.

Lesee here: Bridal Veil Falls. This was fat. Annie and i did the boulder hopping to the base. i've got video of the trip, which i'll have to subject you to. i got a lot of good video.

...and the obligatory shot of Half Dome. we must plan a man trip here.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Miraculous similarity

Strangely, the cable for my phone to the pc also worked for the eight year old camera. i'll put up some pics o' the wall, then i'll do some of Yosemite. i'll also post up some pics when i've got more holds on.

Last minute add-on: went to the climbgym for a carbon-expunging session. Long warmup. Long stretch. was way tired, but ticked my "v5" campus problem for a warmup, then almost got the finish holds on a long v5 endurance. Just pumped off at the end. Then almost got a 5+. Did all the moves, but didn't have the juice to link it. Hurt my elbow again. got a comp on fri. so i'm mega-dosing on glucosamine. See if that speeds things up. been wanting to try upping my dosage to see what happens for a while anyway. vamos a ver.

Easy rider

Went with Annie to the climbgym yester's eve. It was the goal to have an easy, laid-back session, 'cuz there's a bouldering comp this fri. Mission accomplished.

Oo, and i got me li'l wall put up. She's sick, she is. Only i can't post pics cuz tha printer's jacked up. Gotta find a usb cable what'll fit the camera. i'll rummage. Peace.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

elderly me

Been a weird week. At some point in there i had a pretty nice climb workout, but i never made it into the iron gym. Yesterday i went hiking with friend near Truchas Peak. Got my butt kicked. i actually started feeling hypoxic at around 10,800ft. Haven't experienced that since--what?--elementary or so. At any rate, it was around 16+ miles and 8 or 9 hours of hiking. The first half was a relentless uphill bit. Beautiful hike. i am fat and outta shape though. Everything in my body is sore. All i could think about nearly all the way back to the car was beer and ibuprofen.

Climbing wall is still not erected. It's ready to go, but i wanted to put some of the heavier holds on today before i put it up, so's not to have to hold 'em up and try to pull the t-nuts home at the same time. But i cross threaded the bolt on the skull, and ended up having to Dremel the piece of crap t-nut off the bolt (which was stripped), and then it flash-flooded on me and that was all she wrote. i was cussing that nut with every curse i could evoke, and the bastard would come loose. i tightened it with a 2 or 3 inch long hex wrench. Tried backing it out the same way, and the t-nut spikes bent flat. Clamped a vice-grip on ('cuz that was all i could even hope to get a grip on it with) and applied a cheater bar to the hex wrench and it just ended up ripping the coke-can-tempered t-nut back to shreds. That was irritating. Hopefully tomorrow'll be a better day.

Got a bouldering comp coming up next fri. Gunna try to keep this week fairly light, and see how it comes out. probably climb tomorrow or tues. i also want to lift, but i'll probably tone that down a notch or two also. Plus, i can use a tendon-recoup week. i'm feeling very old/decrepit after yesterday.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Saturday Afternoon Gun Show

Yesterday's climb session was an unexpected high point on the graph. i went to run some errands, and squeezed past an off-handed, "Hey you mind if i pop in for a quick workout, eh?" After working in the yard for a few days without showering, i smelled like a road-tripping Euro, so in spite of the throngs at the gym i had a conspicuous bubble of elbow room everywhere i went. No waiting in line. They'd put up a ton of new routes. A sparkling beam of light shone from Heaven upon me, and i sent nearly everything.

By the numbers, i pulled down 2 v5s (both of which went at v4), 3 v4s (two of which went at solid 3 and one at v2ish), and a couple of 3s (that may actually have been v3). Also almost ticked a pumpy roof problem that'll go at 3+/4 i think. It was strange cuz i just kept not being tired. By the time i left, i'd hooked up nearly 10 problems in the v3 range or harder. That'd be a new PR for me. Don't know if it was the three "rest days" of nearly no sleep, or if it was the Surge workout drink (although i'm getting a li'l superstitious about the stuff--i've brung the bizzle every time i haul that expensive stuff with me*) but i kept watching folks work problems and i'd think Man, that looks hard..i don't know if i've got that in me, and then i'd flash it. Just felt like a monster. If i could figure out what went right, i might just get really strong.

Hopefully i'll get my li'l campus wall uphauled today. i'll post up some pics if it happens.

*You gotta get you a bucket of the stuff and tell me if it works for you. They make miraculous claims about it, and i've had really good workouts on it, but your workouts are way more structured than mine. You could give me a more scientific take.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sweatin' to the Oldies

In lieu of an early beer and some much-desired children-free work on the climbing wall, i made me go to the irongym. Figured i'd burn more calories that way. It was me and Richard Simmons. Where do these people come from?


1x+100 (tried a second with this, but it didn't happen. Could'a used a spot on this'un.)

Straight Leg Deads:

Grip was decidedly waning at the end here. Over two weeks of immobilized toxification added nothing to the pleasurability.

Hanging Leg Raises:

These didn't improve o'er the hiatus either.

OneArm Rows:

Here my elbow tried to collapse. This pretty much signaled the end of the workout.

Bent Over BB Rows:

Elbow lit up, and i stopped.

Ab Wheelies:

i actually collapsed and fell on my face on the last one. i tried not to cuss or cry. Fortunately no one saw me. i don't know what's wrong with my elbow. i tried some light cable pressouts to see if i could isolate the pain, but it didn't work. It's totally inconsistent, but it's crippling. Like sometimes i'll lean against a wall or press down on the car door for balance getting out, and nearly crumple. Very irritating.

Ayhow, it was otherwise a pretty nice workout.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Quasimodo climbeth

Steph had the day off today, so i took advantage of my last day for a while without kids and clumb. i was elated to know i can still climb v3. Cali had me worried--weird place. i went to a climbing gym on the coast, and there was this skinny ripped dude what obviously owned the place and routeset. All the grades seemed really stiff, but i couldn't tell if it was just sandbagging, or if i was poisoned. i got a pump on my warmup that i never really did shake off, and the hardest thing i finished was a 2+ that would'a' gone at probably hard 3 at our gym. Then we went to Yosemite, and i couldn't get solid v0 there. That blew, but that was definitely a combo of way hot temps on glassy granite, and sleep deprivation/bad juju. i had absolutely no pain tolerance and no bloodlust.

But i scored a couple o' gooduns today. Did a v3 that i know is solid 3, another 3 that would'a' gone at solid 2 in Cali, and almost tagged a v5 that probably isn't really. That first 3 was sweet though. All the holds were angled the wrong way, so i had to slither through some yoga-like knee drops to maintain tension, and then throw out of 'em for a juggy sloper. i hit that thing with the first pad of a few fingers, my feet cut loose, and i swung out knowing i was gonna pop; but i screamed like a woman in labor and didn't. When i got my feet back on and snagged the finish i was like, "What was that?" i guess a week of nearly no physical activity isn't so bad on the tendons afterall. i was very happy with what i was pulling on after the travesty out west, but i have a lard roll that wasn't present before (although i weighed in at 193 on the bathroom scales today) and my endurance went on a different vacation than i, from which it has yet to return.

Tomorrow i'm gunna try to get in to the irongym. See how that goes.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Endlich wieder zu Hause

Well now. i got my ass handed to me at the big Y. But i learned some things:

1) Nearly uninterrupted drinking, dipping, over-consumption of animal fats, and sleep deprivation is a bad tapering program.

2) 2:00pm in the middle of July is the wrong time to consider bouldering on polished granite.

3) Gotta take a crash pad next time i go. This is important.

4) Gots ta get me a decent rack of trad gear.

5) and a belayer.

6) and a babysitter.

Dude...dude...i'm gunna post some pics. And i'm gunna make you watch my home video. Dude. If you climb, or even ever think about climbing, or just generally don't particularly like wherever you happen to be, Yosemite is nearly orgasmic. There is so much granite--SO MUCH GRANITE--i cannot even tell you... it is everywhere. Like zero star, one star problems there--crap that people don't bother doing unless they're bored-- would be classics here that people would drive an hour or two to try. Dudes, i do not care if it's 15 hrs. we gotta do a man trip there. And we gotta take Shawn. i mean, there's like 6,000,000 eight pitch 5.8s. You could go and just cruise the blues and greens for a week and stay 300 ft. off the deck. Ayee! Tomorrow i start training again. i must go back.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


By the grace of God we scored two nights of reservations at Tuolumne. yo soy muy happyo. Funny: it's inside the park, but it's still 55 miles and 2 hours driving to get to the valley floor. But that's cool-- it'll be a super pretty drive, and Tuolumne is world class climbing by itself. Yesterday i looked up reservations in the park and got a digital laughing-at. You can reserve 5 mos. ahead of time, and you pretty much have to reserve on the day they open registration to hope for something inside the park. They've got walk-in camping, but Tuolumne usually fills up by 8:30 am; camp 4's usually full by 9am. i was expecting to have to camp way outta the park and drive in. This is mucho mejor. Goin' climb me some knobs. i've dreamed about Tuolumne rock since i watched Ron Kauk floating it back in the '90s. Now if i can just find something easy enough to get my voluminous butt up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

motionless but tan

Not a very active trip so far. Lots of good food. i show up somewhere and someone forces wine/liquor/beer into my paw, and that's how it goes. i still want to climb somewhere up here. And i want to at least peer at Yosemite, even if it's so packed with tourists i can't park anywhere to climb up on a stone. It' s gunna be a hard place to do any climbing at with my present entourage: a belayer who gets irritated at the actual prospect of having to belay/stand in one place and watch me climb, and three children who spend each unsupervised moment attempting suicide. And i didn't bring a crashpad. i'm thinking maybe i can find bueno sport routage with tiny approaches at Tuolumne. vamos a ver.

Monday, June 29, 2009

a tolerable day of it

There is much swirling about in the noggin tonight. Got that other project at the climbgym today. Tape says it's a v7, but i'm thinking hard 5--maybe 6. Didn't do much besides that, but it made for a justifiable day at the gym. Amazing what 3 or 4 days of i'm-not-even-gunna-crimp-lightly-on-the-door-jambs kind o' tendon rest will pay back in dividends.

In two days we leave for northern California. Supposedly, Steph has an aunt that lives just outside of Yosemite. If i can just get in and climb atop a medium house-sized bloc the trip will have been worth it for me (barring horrible disasters, of course.) we could really use some vacation on this end.

i've almost got m' climbing wall finished here at the casa. Only i went out today to measure how far apart i'd set my studs in their concrete pads for the 4x4 supports for the thing, and they measured at 4'4". The plywood is only 4' wide. Somehow, when i dug my holes for concrete i floated outward several inches, and i never managed to remeasure. i leveled 'em with each other, but i didn't measure, 'cuz they just had to be anywhere inside 4'. After some intensive forehead slapping, i think i can fix it, but i'm a li'l irritated with myself. That was raw senility.

Right then: it's off to bed. Peace.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

weak end

After Thursday's happy workout, i was possessed on fri. to sneak back in to the climbgym and see what happened. my mum-in-law offered to keep the kids whilst i talked to a councellor about nursing school, only i had an hour or so to kill before they opened, and i've been smitten with a couple of problems for some days that i've wanted to see fall. The v5 came down first try, which was good cuz it was the only burn i had in me. The 6 shewed me i may as well not have come in at all. i requires some intense lockoffs, and i couldn't make the first "easy" moves. Biceps were just shredded. But it'll go.

i'm getting excited about the rn program. Lots'a possibilities in that direction; and i've felt bereft of possibilities for some time now. i have to take pathophys 1 & 2 and pharmacology this semester to be done in time to register for the summer or spring start dates (same registration). The only way i can do it in time is to register as a "second degree" entrant, which requires fewer prereqs. Deal is, out of the class of 40 they take 12 as second degree students. That means the competition is pretty fierce. Also, starting this february (which is when i'd register) they're only sorting applicants by gpa. No letters of rec; no interview; no essay. That means out of the 70 or so applicants for the second degree entrance path, i'll have to have a top 12 gpa. Dude i talked to said i'd need a gpa of 3.5 to be competitive. Looks like my present gpa is a 3.64. So i'll need A's in the three classes i'm 'bout to take to feel comfy. 'Course, i'll probably also apply to several other schools as well. Vamos a ver.

Turns out, though, that all i need to apply as a first degree student (i.e., i'll have taken all the prereqs a straight nursing student without a degree would have to take) is microbiology. Then i'd be competing for 28 slots instead of 12. How'd'ya like them apples. Oh well: i don't work well without pressure. And i guess if i don't make the cut for feb. i'll just take micro and reapply. Prayers please.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

So after being called a "tard"...

Trundled it in to the gym tonight after a hard evening of beating Sonny 2 on heroic mode at Golfernoggins. i wanted 505 bad, but you'll be elated to know it didn't happen. Anyhow:


Thought about going for a single on these, but my brachioradialis tendons kept making noise about shearing clean if i kept it up. Plus i've got two projects to send on saturday, so i didn't push it.

touched my toes several times
315x3 (snuck in the chalk bag starting here)
405x1 (Funny, cuz i thought about doing another one, and then i thought maybe i should save and learn.)

So then i threw 455 on there, and put that damned belt on, and i didn't even move it a molecule. So stripped 30 off for 425, but i couldn't budge it. So then i took the belt off, and actually picked the weight up off the floor, but i couldn't lock it out. i was just totally psyched out at this point. Anyhow, i was just glad i can still deadlift more than G can bench for the moment.

One Arm Cable Rows:
(Tried a single with both hands for 300, but didn't get it)

Hanging Straight Leg Raises:
30xmy shoes
3x10xshoes+ankle weights
That last set suck-ed

Bent O'er BB Rows:
These felt easier--prob'ly 'cuz i only did ten reps of deads and my low back wasn't disintegrated.

Ab Wheels :-)
These really started blowing mud there at the end.

Wide Grip High Rows:
These make me feel huge like Arnold, and i like to watch myself in the mirror. Small joke, but i am just incredibly sexy. 'Specially when i'm sweaty enough that my white shirt clings tenaciously to my one-pack.

Got in the chocolate Biotest and the Surge workout drink today. me likey chocolate. And while i didn't precisely experience transcending the first 5 or 6 levels of heaven, i did like the Surge stuff, and it tasted almost entirely unlike bile. More like Coolade. And at just over $1.50 per scoop, it's nearly free; or is at least better for you than starbucks.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Whatever today is

i climbed. i took the children with me. Steph met me there, and she lasted nearly 10 minutes before she took Aeon and the babe out carward. The upshot was that it left me with Annie to work some plastic. i came mighty close to flashing a "v7" (that'll actually go at prob'ly v5). Funny li'l problem. Sorta hard, but solid moves up to this stopper crimp move. Weirdest thing: i worked through the bottom bit and went for that crimp thinking there was no way i was gonna stick it, (cuz i watched the co-owner of the gym--this wirey li'l dude that FAs hard 5.13--squidge off of it liek 3 times and give up), but i latched it and thought Oh yeah! that's juicy but then you have to let go with yer other hand and match next to it with a high heel hook for a foot, and it's like, yeah, maybe when i get stronger hands.

But Annie was having some fun. we put together this tenuous li'l body-tension-to-a-dyno problem, and she got into it big. She's gonna be a sick boulderer if she'll stick with it. She's got the attention span of a gnat usually, but after she fell off a few times she got more and more focussed, and she started flowing through the weird bottom moves that she'd floundered on half-assed at first. Then she worked out a heel hook/mantle solution to this huge reach, and she nearly got the goal. i wanna take her back and see if she'll put it together.

Then we went and sold the Rav4 and finalized the buy on a van. Practical ride, but i fully feel like a woman now. i'm gunna get one of those soccer ball decals, and stick-figure stickers of all the kids for the back window. i think i just need to get a damn job so Steph cna quit and be the mommy.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Lessee here... i climbed yesterday. Only i didn't have much time. But i got a bunch of new 3s. Flashed all but one. Nothing hard though. Felt really worn down, sleep deprived and ... dunno... just lethargic; kinda' unmotivated and fat. Today i went back. Got a new 4 on the second or third go. Cool problem. Missed snagging a 5 for the same reasons as yesterday. my metabolism just seems screwed up. i feel like i overeat for nearly every meal, but i'm not eating any more at all than i usually do. And i feel broken down. my finger tendons and biceps seem seriously overworked--like to the point it feels like i'm courting injury, but i really haven't done much in the last couple of weeks. i took a solid seven days off to go to tx, and i've taken nearly another full week off since then, with maybe 2 or three days of climbing since. i mean, i went in confident that i was gonna feel superhuman, and i feel totally overworked. i think mostly i'm just super stressed and am not sleeping really at all. i want to start swimming or running again. i think that'd help. Hell, i think getting my crap together for school would help. i think i batted that GRE outta the park, but i need references.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Driven to drink

Perhaps you don't have the TapOut Frat Club in your chunk of the world. Here they pervade. i went in to the gym at 1130 for to do some chest, and there were wankers just everywhere. Three inch gauged ears, sleeves of ink, piercings all 'round, the routine proceeds thus: Bench press in groups of five, (switch stations) do roundhouse kicks/punches in front of the mirror, lift the shirt to see if maybe there're any abs there yet, (switch stations) sit on every vaguely horizontally inclined structure in the building and cop some "blue steel". And, inexplicably, they were listening to the All Bruce Springsteen channel on satellite radio.

So i left, and now i'm having alcohol. i guess i'm not dedicated enough.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


GRE today. Pray please. i must ace this.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Straw That Threatened The Camel's Back

Happy sunday to me :-) It goes, boys! That's v6 numero dos. This leads to an interesting correlation: nice, fat numbers fall at the climbgym the day after tearing m'self down to the grimacing, gnashing, razor-thin cusp of global tendonitis. Cause and effect relationship here, or pure coincidence? Can't say, but it's worth forming a bizarre superstition on, and trying again. Everything in me hurts. Except for maybe my nose, 'cuz i hadn't thought of it till now. If i don't start working my chest out again, i'm afraid it's gunna cave in and finally detach, spring-style, along the gladiolus. Anyhow, even though i didn't come through on the big talk yesterday--cuz i was whooped down from going to the gym at all--i did put it outta my misery today. i can, perhaps, sleep now. Peace.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Well. After that hiccup of hubris earlier, turned out i was talked out of going to the climbgym afterall. 'Stead, we had a scintillating trip of shelling out 2K on kitchen cabinetry, followed by an almost as expensive trip to Sam's. So to punish myself for my failure--and to purge m'self of the poison i dumped down in tx--i went to the normal gym for some self-flagellation.


Straight Leg Deads:
4x275 (Numb sparklies shooting 'cross the eyes here. i was real pleased to get the weight up, but again, the main thing was that i wasn't quite sure my grip was gonna last.)

One-arm Cable Rows:
6x120 (Don't know what happened. Thought i was going to break on the set before, then i found the beat and the way to ignore the trickle of sweat running down m' face, smiled and cranked out six like it wa'nt no thang. Happy deep six'd moment.)

Straight Leg Raises:

Upright BB Rows:
2x5x175 (Jury's still out on these. Juice might be better spent elsewhere, but it's not a bad workout.)

Right. Picked up a copy of How To Stay Alive In The Woods by Bradford Angier at Sam's, originally copyrighted in 1956. Awesome book, and i highly recommend it. So far i've learned how to catch frogs, what birds are most easily killed with sticks, and the plan of attack to scare a bear off its prey if you can't don't have the means to kill the bear and eat it. i have this nagging feeling it's going to come in mighty handy in the near future. Can't go wrong brushing up on those survival skills. For the moment, i'm killing the pain with a glass of Presidente. Definitely needs ice. i'm hoping the book details how to make ice in the wilderness.

Hopefully that v6'll fall before then. That's gonna be kinda irritatin' if i don't get that first.

AAAAAAAa. AAa. aa. AAAaa.

Seriously: went back to the climbgym for a two or three hour sesh. i'm writing now to vent. That six should'a fallen. my biceps are thrashed--that stupid problem is so dang... it's just one burley sloper dive to the next...super biceps dependant. After 85 (+/-) burns, i packed up and left with the tattered remnants of my brachioradialii. They twitch uncontrollably even now, a day later. But it will go. It must go. i will return today and send. i will not come home until it falls (so i say...)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Scrambling back to shore

i'm gunna assert that last week, in general, was deleterious to The Program. i put on a fresh coat of lard, and, as far as i can tell, may as well have been on proper bed-rest after sitting on me arse for 1,000+ miles. And i've had to quit dipping again. The concert rocked, but next year i'm bringing a tent. It's strange, but i didn't feel like i ate all that much, only it was all greasy crap. It's felt good to get some fiber down me.

i finally got back into the climbgym yesterday evening. Mixed feelings: i felt like i burned too fast, and (correlation here?) was fatter than normal, but i also nearly tagged a project v6 in that state, which is encouraging. i literally got sloppy on the second-to-last hold, and popped for no discernible reason. Ah well... it'll go soon, i think.

i'm gonna try to get into the irongym today.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Much Ibuprofen

Worked out today. That was RAD! i hurt pretty much everywhere. i gotta keep this up. i'll write it down before i forget it or the wine washes it away.

Think it was 4x5xbw+45lbs.
These were rough after yesterday's climbing sesh. Biceps were fried.

Straight Leg Deads (On a box):
i was a li'l surprised i got up to this weight. i think the deads during the diet have kept my back pretty strong. Really even in these, the hardest part was holding onto the bar. i have a fresh respect for hefting 225 in each hand and walking with it for 100m or so. Again, i used 25lb plates or less so's the weight never touches the ground.

One arm Cable Rows:
Li'l surprised at these. i didn't wanna damage my biceps too much further than i already had, so i sat on the bench thinking about it a while. i tried to post my torso, kept the opposite foot on the the pedestal and used a supine grip. Don't know if it was really 120lbs. of iron, but it wasn't a weight splitting config. i really like these. They worked QL and obliques along with the rhomboid/lat torching.

Hanging Straight Leg Raises:
3x10x legs+ankle weights
These've busted me through a plateau on leg raises. The set of 20 without weight felt real easy.

Some Sort of Wide-Gripped Tricep Pressout Sort of Thing:
2 or 3 sets of some kind of tricep nonsense. Let the bar come up to about my chin, and then pressed it down at a constant velocity. i'm trying to mock up a climbing move i need to be able to do. Not bad, but i hurt my elbows doing those danged narrow grip benches for that diet thang.

All in all, it was a very nice workout. i've definitely felt the benefits of having a stronger-than-usual core at the climbgym. i wanna keep that up and add to it. If i can heal my crimping tendons over this extended weekend of coming down your way, i'm planning on having a raging numbers session when i come back.

i'm totally amped about the concert. i could really use some good vibe now. Katja turned one today, and that's hard to believe. And it's hard to believe i'm coming down with a meager 2/3 of the fam rather than 4/5. i'm jonesing for a nice night of mantime, and maybe a fire. Peace to all you homies.