Odd day. Very poorly planned i guess. Dunno. Did the HSM today. we went to Ghengis Grill, and i had a lovely stir fry with some steak and calamari and crab and tofu and an egg, pile of veggies. Splurged and opted for the udon noodles instead of rice. But i only ate about half my bowl full or so. Couldn't finish it. Was supposed to replace just one meal with it, but we were in church at 11, and we ate ca. 1:30, so it took up two. Then we went climbing, and i sent my monthlong project first try, and linked through an 11 (on toprope) that i've never quite been able to finish without hanging. Then i thought i was gonna flash this funky v3, and instead i nearly ripped my rotator cuff off it moorings.
Dang it. i'll be back...
There: i did the v-burn challenge. i was gunna write how i managed not to do it today, 'cuz i was never home today and we just dragged in at 10:30 and i was about to fall over dizzy sleepy; but then i read your blogs and you heaped burning coals on my head, and i'll be da(r)ned if i'll give you two wankers an occasion to call me a wuss. That sucked worse than most anything. i have rarely experienced that magnitude of raw suckiness. i was so out of it, i had to write the exercises on the sidewalk in chalk so i could remember 'em. i'll go ahead and admit i did take some rest between sets. In fact on a few of 'em, i took some time between reps, wandered around in circles and tried to talk my heart out down off of the balcony railing. Turns out there isn't a single level spot on my lawn, and it wouldn't really matter if there were because i did the thing in the dark. But God sent a nice light rain on me for my last set of squat thrusts, for which i was grateful. Then i spent the last thirty minutes or so trying not to puke on my feet. Now i'm gunna go to bed and try not to puke there either. Hang in there, Jungs.
I'm proud of you mandinga. We did have a few rest periods between sets. We got through the first two sets and contained chunkage, and said to each other, "we can rest between the 2 sets, and do it by thirds." that was the best decision ever... Onward and upward my brother!! congrats!
Well, that was the decision. As it worked out we ended up resting (focusing on not dying) between every set except for the first two.
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