Monday, April 2, 2007


203 lbs. Motown Monday

Decline Crunches:

3 sets of 40 with a 10 lb. med. ball

Hanging Straight Leg Raises:

3 sets of 15

Oblique Axe Chops:

3 sets of 15 on each side with "110"

Russian Twists:

12 x 25
3 sets of 10 with 35


Very tired today, but the 80's Motown helped. Nothing like some Lionel Richie or Sade to get a body amped. Tore some stomach down today; good workout.


R6Medic said...

So how long were you in the gym? "all night long.... "? hahaha.... Im sorry, just my feeble attempt at humor.

c said...

Master B,

That'd be funnier if i didn't go to sleep trying to get that outta my head this morning. ;[

Pappa G said...

Seriously. What color iPod do you want.

c said...

Anything but Gayguy Pink.