Saturday, March 31, 2007


202 lbs.

i ran to the gym today. i am one obese, outta shape guy. Felt good though, and was a good warmup for leg work.

Warmed up with various leg motions.


8 x 135
8 x 205
8 x 215
8 x 225 (These were better than last week)
8 x 235 (Went a li'l heavier than last time, but i don't think i hit full depth on the last 2 reps)

These felt a million times better than last week. i think i'd have the confidence to push some weight if i had a belt. i look forward to getting that in.

Straight Leg Deads:

15 x bar
14 x 95
10 x 135
10 x 135
8 x 155
8 x 155

Went heavier than i'd gone before on these, and they felt good. Felt a ton stronger than the last time i'd done 'em.

Rope Tricep Presses:

20 x "100" (very hard)
12 x "110" (bleh)
6 x "120" (ugh)

Amazing how much harder the rope was than a straight bar. i hadn't done these with a rope in years. That movement at the end really brings in the lateral head of triceps, and mine are really weak.

Skull Crushers:

10 x 70
8 x 87ish (pretty easy)
4 x 107ish (failed 2 short of the 6)

It occured somewhere in the vicinity of that last set that i did chest two days ago.


i didn't do dips or delt work cuz my shoulder's still tweakin' like a meth-head. Oddly, the run home exactly replicated the feeling of trying to do a half-marathon right after a 56 mi. ride. Felt like i was running on some fat chick's legs with ankle weights on. They just wouldn't work. All in all, i felt a little sexier running home, even though i probably looked like i was hoofing it drunk in oversized wooden clogs. i wanted to do a li'l more on triceps, but i needed to take the chiddlers to the park. It was a good workout.


Pappa G said...

The rope deffinately has a humbling effect. I love it.
The squats are looking better. It's a nice feeling when they start sucking a little less every time you do them.

c said...

true, that. dude... i have a reason to work my legs now. Might go to climb Mont Blanc. :-D