Wednesday, March 21, 2007


201 lbs.

ME Bench:

5 x 135
3 x 165
3 x 175
1 x 185
1 x 195
1 x 205
1 x 210 (Hard but got it clean)

Rack Lock-Outs (+/-50%):

1 x 205
1 x 215

Couldn't repeat

Incline DB:

8 x 60
8 x 65
8 x 65
8 x 65

10 lb. Med Ball Crunches:

3 sets 10 with 10 sec. holds

Fell asleep doing these. Curls didn't go so well after these. No juice.

BB Curls:

10 x 60
2 x 8 x 70

DB Curls:


Machine Flys:

10 x 170
8 x 200 (Light)
8 x 210
8 x 220 (Hard on 7; neg. on 8)

These felt good.


This felt good. i was glad i could break 200 on bench. Very encouraging. Also i felt reall good for the rest of the chest workout, cuz i didn't break it all down on bench. i don't know if mixing the RE with the ME on one day is the best, but it made for a good workout. i might could'a pushed 215 on bench, but i started tweakin' without a spotter. Sooon though...

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

No worries doing RE on ME days. Just don't overdo it. Congrats on the PR! Now you have something to beat.