200 lbs.
10 x 135
8 x 165
This was a warm up
DB Bench:
8 x 70
8 x 75
7 x 70 (failed @ 8)
8 x 60
Incline Bench:
8 x 135
5 x 135 (failed)
8 x 125
8 x 125
Felt like doo-doo. i think the new "warm up" was a li'l excessive.
Machine Flys:
10 x 150
8 x 190 (ecc. on last 2)
6 x 200 (ecc. on last 1)
6 x 200 (ecc. on last 1)
Standing BB Curls:
12 x 50
10 x 60
8 x 70
Hammer Curls:
8 x 30
2 x 45 (meltdown)
i think i did this a li'l too close to m' back workout. Definitely not healed.
Still haven't started the ME thang on my anterior surface. i ill never take having a regular spotter for granted again. The bench for a warm up killed off my chest as i went down significantly on what i could do from the week before. It was a nice warm up though. Still haven't done any tricep iso. Gotta figure out how i'm gonna fit it all in one week and heal fast enough if i don't do it on the same day.
Do your ME work in a power rack. You may not get a completely full range of motion, but its better than getting pinned or letting some monkey's ass hurt you because he's not paying attention. You'll still get really strong.
If I may make a suggestion: Cut down on the volume of chest work. If you want to get your bench press strong, crawl under some heavy weight and put more emphasis on your triceps and back. If you want huge man-boobs, do a bunch of flys. You might also consider doing your bicep work right after your back work. If you're killing your back like I think you probably are, you shouldn't need to do much bicep work. For some reason doing curls is like crack for people. They just can't let it go. If you're short on time or recovery, drop the bicep isolation. I promise, if you're doing brutal back workouts with good ROM, you wont lose any strength in the bi's
Funny you should say that. i've done iso on biceps for maybe the second week now and i'm usually too tired for it. But it is like crack.
On bench i just shifted to doing flat DB and incline barbell. i like DB cuz it doesn't matter if i fail-- i only kill the people standing beside me. Plus there's that squeeze in the middle that makes me smile and all the agonist work. i still haven't done any triceps iso.
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