Thursday, March 8, 2007


201 lbs.

ME Pullups:

20 x BW
3 x BW +20
3 x +35
1 x +45
1 x +75
1 x +85 (Didn't lock this out all the way. i sent my corpse ahead of me to the gym tonight.)
1 x +75 <-(

DB Rows:

10 x 80
8 x 90
8 x 90
8 x 90

Form was better this week. The flesh was basically willing, but the spirit was still putzing about in outer space.

Wide Grip High Rows:

10 x 100
10 x 110
10 x 110

Same weight as last week, but i got it all clean this time. My mood improved at this point as the masochist couple sweatin' to the moody blues hit the road. Need to go up next week.

Reverse Flys:

Did these on machine starting from mid-frontal plane posteriorward.

4 sets 10 x "80"

DB Shrugs:

12 x 80
10 x 100
10 x 100

This's been a good work-up on traps, but i wanna start pushing more weight here.

TM/SS Scissors:

12 x 50
10 x 60 (neg. @ 8)
10 x 50 (neg. @ 10)


i was too sleepy for this workout, but i went anyway. There's two other people in the gym when i get there, and they're playing some kinda blues/ oldies station. It was kinda like trying to get a pump while someone's tapping on yer teeth with little hammers. i worked out slowly and they finally left, but this old hispanic feller'd come in before they did. So i asked him if he'd mind me changing the station. He says sure... let's put it on some "latin pop." i'm thinking that anything would be better than the drinking music we had goin' on, so he changes it. Same damn thing, but in Spanish and with accordians. i just laughed. Can't win for losing. i beat my chest and clawed at my eyes for a bit, but then the workout improved. i don't have anything against geriatrics in particular, but i sure wouldn't mind a gym where "not dying of a heart-attack" isn't the popular long-term goal.


Pappa G said...

Yikes! Mexican Polka, eh? Never tried working out to that. I'll avoid it if at all possible.

Your backs getting pretty strong. Don't think I could do a pull up with 85 strapped on. As A matter of fact, I don't think I've ever gone for a one rep max on the ol pull ups. I'll have to give that a shot.

c said...

That's happy juice when you feel your lats tearing down to yer spine.

Steph said...

One of my goals it to be able to do a pull up. Hopefully my bodyweight will drop as my arm strength increases, and they will meet in the happy middle with a pull up. Until then, I must stick with lat pull downs.