i haven't posted in a few days, but i have worked out a few times, so i'll just put the last three workouts on today.
Fri. 9/3/7 201 lbs.
Front Delt Raises:
12 x 25
10 x 30
6 x 35 (very hard)
6 x 30
Lateral Delt Raises:
12 x 15
12 x 15
10 x 20
6 x 25
6 x 25
i'm not strong enough on these yet to have a comfortable intermediate weight.
Tricep Pressdowns:
25 x "80"
12 x "110" (too light)
6 x "160"
Did these on a double pulley machine, and i couldn't figure out how much weight to use. Very light.
Skull Crushers:
10 x 60
6 x 80ish
6 x 90ish
Did the last 2 sets on a build-yer-own EZ curl bar ('cuz the gym's pre-builts only go up to 70lbs.) and-- seriously-- the bar weighs ca. 16.5 lbs. Very sensible. Good workout at any rate.
4 sets of 8 @ BW.
These felt good. This is the first time i'd separated 'em from my chest workout in a long time, and i did all 4 sets clean.
This was my first delt and tricep iso workout in a long time. i'd like a gym where they don't feel obliged to play 50's Bebop all the time, but the workout was good.
Sun. 11/3/7 202 lbs.
Medicine Ball Crunches:
4 sets of 10 held to a ten sec. count with a 10 lb. med. ball on my noggin. Have a li'l ten theme goin' on here.
Hanging Leg raises:
4 sets of 15, straight leg, no weight added
Russian Twists:
12 x 25
12 x 25
10 x 35
10 x 35
i wanna add in some more ab workouts to this as i go, but they all hurt and i don't like pain, so i've decided to just drink heavily instead.
Mon. 12/3/7
ME Bench:
8 x 135
5 x 165
3 x 175
1 x 185
1 x 195
Here i went to the rack for Lock-outs, but didn't get 205 anyhow. My delts and tris are still about a day away from being back to 90%, so i left off the rest of the workout. i'm gonna hafta figure out how to mesh these workouts better. i did like the ME thang, and i know i could get 200 pretty easy, but my shoulders're barking. i think once i get used to the tri and delt iso i'll start healing faster and this'll fall into place.
1 comment:
I always do tri's on bench day. Its just too hard to recover otherwise. Rack lockouts are mostly a tricep movement anyhow. If you're still rocovering from an earlier tri iso then there's no way you're gonna throw a ton of weight on the lockouts. Could be why your shoulder was hurting.
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