Thursday, March 29, 2007


203 lbs.

Today my shoulder is killing me, but i wanted to do some chest anyhow. Now i'm having quite a lot of trouble picking up this beer with my left arm.

DE Bench:

8 x 135 (slow as warmup)
6 x 105 (50%)
6 x 105
6 x 125 (60%)
6 x 125
6 x 150 (70%... somewhere along in here my shoulder started protesting loudly)
6 x 150

Incline DB Bench:

8 x 60
8 x 70 (shoulder tweakin' a tad)
7 x 65 (Weight wasn't bad, but i failed cuz my shoulder was trying to dislocate itself to a place where i would stop doing that to it.)

BB Curls:

10 x 60
8 x 70
8 x 70

Reverse Grip Preachers:

10 x 36ish
10 x 46ish
8 x 56ish (hard)
8 x 56ish (even harder)

i started out doing DB curls, and the ol' left delt wasn't having any of that, so i switched to preachers. That pretty effectively took the delt support out. Felt pretty good.

Machine Flys:

Sat me down at the pec deck and just the thought of actually getting that weight to move on that delt made me start laughing.


My left shoulder (trap, ant. delt, and most of the rotator cuff) hurts. It is, in fact, now armored like a tank. So in lieu of mixing vanilla protein with this otherwise tasty IPA, i figured what i really need is some carb replenishment. At least they were cranking a steady stream of unintelligible growler bands tonight. That helped me push through the screwdriver-in-the-joint kind of pain to the status-post-nervectomy sort. i'm gonna have another pint and feel sorry for myself now.


Pappa G said...

Damn, you're depressing. I'm buying you an ipod for your birthday.

You're doing a ton of volume for your DE work. Try doing something like 8 working sets of 2 with 50% to 60%. Don't take more than 45 secs to a minute rest between sets. Push both reps with 100% maximul effort on every set. Feel the love.

c said...

That's helpful. i got in to the gym last night and decided after a cursory shoulder swing not to go heavy. But i didn't know how many reps or sets to do with DE work. i read yer blog today and guessed i was doing it all wrong; just felt like a wuss pushing 105 lbs. i did give it 100%, but 100% was to speedy with my shoulder jacked. i can finally lift my arm straight out in front of me without pain. i woke up this morning a li'l worried.

R6Medic said...

On your ME days, you should try 6-10 sorta-working sets at 84%-92%. I find that this helps my upper dorsimus and my trapilogeezius muscles the best. I love feeling the love with this set in particular.

c said...

First off i gotta get around to getting me one o' them there trapilogeezius muscles.

Pappa G said...
