Wednesday, March 28, 2007


203 lbs. Took a 4 lb. dump last night. Inspiring.

ME Wide-Grip High Rows:

5 x 130
3 x 150
1 x 170
1 x 190 (very hard)
1 x 200 (didn't get this all the way down)
1 x 170
1 x 170
1 x 180


15 x BW
15 x BW
8 x BW +20
6 x BW +30
6 x BW +30 (very hard on last few reps, but clean)

DB Rows:

10 x 80

Here i quit caring and left.


Was supposed to do chest today, but my shoulder told me otherwise after the delt/ tri work a coupl'a days ago. So i switched with tomorrow's workout.

i could probably count on one hand the number of times i've actually been so fed up with a workout that i just left without finishing. This was one of those. we (the geriatrics and i) beat the demons back today with some Richard Marx and Foreigner. After my first (and only) set of rows, i sat down on the bench and fell asleep to "Beds Are Burning". Madonna woke me up and i got up and walked out wanting to hit someone--- i'd be damned if was gonna do another set to that crap. Maybe i'll go back later today to finish. Who knows? Maybe the afternoon crowd tears it down to some thumpin' hair bands.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

Seriously, while you're burning through that tax return, consider a $65 iPod shuffle. It will make your life better.