Got in for back work today, and it was a doozy. Actually didn't have a hard time limit today, so i got to tear it down.3/3/3 day on Deads. Prolly gunna pay for that in the morning. Tonight i did go out for a hangboard workout as well. Really not a good combo in one day. The muscles are different enough between lifting and hanging that it's not a straightforward conflict, but i was definitely feeling beaten up tonight. Not a good workout, but i don't think i irreversibly damaged anything.
Normal warmup of Deficits with only 25# plates.
21 x bar
12 x 145 SL
8 x 245 SL
4 x 345 normal
2 x 445
Then set up on the pins (2nd hole up) for rack pulls.
3 x 440
3 x 470
3 x 495
These felt pretty good. Not easy, but i got 'em pretty smoothly.
Good Mornings:
12 x 135
12 x 155
Stopped here 'cuz i really don't wanna be broken down for next week's go.
20 x BW
10 x +25
6 x +45. These went well, and i coulda' cranked out a few more.
3 x +65. Locked all o' these.
2 x +90. These i cannot say i locked clean.
DB Rows:
10 x 95. Somebody was using the 90s.
8 x 105
6 x 115
Stopped here. Coulda' likely lifted heavier, but i was getting tired and sloppy end of that last set.
OneArm PullDowns:
Seems like:
10 x 100
4-6 x 145
3 x 160. got one on each side solid, then cheated another two down for negatives.
StraightArm PressDowns:
Hangboard #8
WUJ: -15.
Large Open:
1: +25: No fail, but hard. Went down on these by 10# 'cuz i felt like i was grabbing the rail lower with my thumbs. This was better.
2: +35: Hard. Failed end of last 2r. Better.
1: -25: Same. Failed end of last 3r, last r total.
2: -15: Same. Got the first rep. Right flexor felt unraveled--tweaking bad.
1: -15: Failed end of last 3.
2: -5: 1st two were ok. Failed last rep completely. Really tired.
1: +10: Same. OK 'til the last 2ish r. Tired!
2: +25: 5# incr. Good first 3r. Weight was dragging the ground for some reason. That kinda threw me off.
1: -35: Same. Failed last 3r. Whew.
2: -25: Wow. Hard from the 1st rep. Super tired.
1: +25: 10# decr. Don't even 2 or 3.
2: +50: 5#incr. 'Cuz why not go out in a blaze of glory? 1st 3 were pretty good.
1: -60: Same. Bad. maybe 2 reps? Right forearm was tweakin' mad.
2: -50: Bleh.
Took 5 days off between last workout and this one, and was still really worn down and i did something more evil than i thought to my right flexors. Can't quite tell what i damaged or how bad, but it definitely shewed its angry eyes and bared its teeth. Gonna call it for the season on hangboard. I'm apparently to that special point where i'm doing more damage than good. Still a very good season of it. I added actually a decent amount of weight to some key grips, and am around 7# heavier than last season, which amounts to some impressive strength gain. Now to drop the lard.
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