Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Chest and Abs

Tonight i got in for some chest and abs. And shoulders. I'm just super weak, but it was a good workout, and now i can hardly move.

40 or so with the bar
10 x 135
8 x 155
6 x 175
3 or 4 x 195
1 x 215

Overhead Press:
Bunch x the bar
10 x 95
4 or 5ish x 115
1 or 2 x 135

Triceps Pressouts (rope):
Worked up to 7 or 8 x 90

Straight Leg Raise:
3 x 20

Got 2 x 15 and a third set with 10

Totally dead in the shoulders and arms now. Need to work on this more. I just have a really hard time getting motivated to work chest. And abs just hurt. But i need to. Anyway--pretty good workout.

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