Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hangboard #6 & Back Work: 5/5/5 day

Looks like i'm posting a couple minutes late for Saturday. Friday 2/12/16 got in Hangboard #6. Three to go. Took four days off instead of three, because i was feeling pretty torn down. I think that was a good idea. Notwithstanding, it was largely a holding pattern with no striking gains. But that's ok. I did see some progress on a few grips, and have made some good gains from last season already. I'm just very thankful to not be injured. Definitely skirting the hairy edge of injury, especially on the two finger pocket.

WUJ: -15: check.

Large Open:
1: +35: Failed last two reps.
2: +45: Ended up up being a decrease. Failed last 2 reps. I do notice on this that i really hang my thumbs on the grip lower. Very cold out there this night.

F 3,4:
1: -25: Same. Failed last 3 reps at the end. Definitely feelin' some tendon stretch in the right forearm.
2: -15: Same. Really failed on last 3. Not bad...just tired.

1: -15: Untaped prior to this one. No Fail!! That's a huge improvement.
2: -5: Failed at the end of the last three reps. Better.

F 2,3,4:
1: +5: Same. No fail. Better!
2: +15: Same. Again, No fail!

1: -35: Same. Failed last 3. 1st 4 were solid.
2; -25: 1st 2 were solid.

1: Ugh! Might'a got 2-3 reps
2: -25: Same. 1st 2 were solid

1: -60. Same. Better!! Fail last 2ish.
2: -50: Same. got 3 ok. Whew! then today i went n for backwork.\


Deficit Deads:
21 x the bar
12 x 145 SL
8 x 245 SL
5 x 345 Normal with belt
2 x 445 Not too horrible

Rack Pulls (from a 550 max): 5/5/5
405 x 5. Definitely hedged here. Wasn't sure i could last through this seeing as it's been prolly over a year since i've done these. I can't actually find my PR lift, but that was 505. Must'a been early 2014, so it's really been closer to 2 years. Good grief.
440 x 5
470 x 5. Hard, but not too bad. i could probably bump to a higher max. Guess we'll see how the rest goes. Pretty psyched to work off 550 without a hitch. Look forward to seeing if i can actually pull 525+.

20 x bw
10 x +25
5 x +45
3 x +65. Very tired here. Just didn't feel too snappy on any of these. Plus i was racing the clock, so i didn't have much of a shakeout 'twixt sets.

DB Rows:
10 x 90
8 x 100
6 x 110
Really wanted to do a set with 120, but just didn't feel like i had time.

Good workout though. Nice to be through the first set of 5/5/5. I'd been dreading that.

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