Got to sneak in for a back day yesterday Querque. Really good workout. Kind of an old school iron gym, and i really dig it. Bunch of meatheads. Very little lycra. Clocked in at 201 first thing in the morning.
Deficit Deads:
21 x bar SL
12 x 145 SL
8 x 245 normal form
4-6 x 345 no belt
2 x 445 Belt for this one. Pretty easy. As such, i tried one with 495 (still from a deficit), and failed pretty quickly. But i did disencumber it of its moorings; just couldn't lock. It's coming though.
20 x BW
10 x +25
6 x +45
4 x +65 This was a very tidy increase
3 x +80 Again, nice bump. Can't say i locked that last rep clean.
2 x +90 Ok, more like 1.5 than 2, but i did lock the first one fine.
DB Rows:
10 x 90
8 x 100 Really easy
6 x 110 Still clicked these pretty easily
4 x 120 These were not so easy. Growled for the last coupla reps. But that maxed their DBs, so i was happy.
Straight Arm Cable Pressdowns:
Several sets. Finally worked up to 10ish with around 100#. These were on an ancient cable machine, and i really liked it. No gimmicks. Curious to see if these will add anything to the Campus work.
Very happy workout, really. I was hoping to do Rack Pulls for Deads, but their power racks aren't terribly conducive to this, and i was racing the clock to get a workout in. So maybe next week. Also i didn't get Good Mornings in for a second week. But i was super psyched to get some weight up on Pullups, and with how easy 445 felt from the deficit pulls. Now to lose weight with some ferocity...
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