Saturday, February 6, 2016

Hangboard #4

[This should've been published yesterday, 2/5/16, but i fell asleep before i hit the button. Just so's the date is accurate...ed]

I'll admit i had fairly low expectations for this. So i distantly exceeded them. Weighed in at 202 and change this morning, didn't sleep well, didn't feel entirely healed from Tuesday's session, and tipped 209 fully clothed before heading out. But the psych was there, and it was a good workout. Did do a pretty good warmup, but it was mighty chilly out there tonight. very blessed to have a heater.

WUJ: -15. check.

Large Open:
1: +35: 5# incr. Ugh! Failed on the last 3 reps really. Couldn't feel the board. Just frozen still.
2: +45: 5# incr. Better! Failed at the end of the last three.

1: -30: 5# incr. YEAH! NO FAIL!
2: -20: 5# incr. Failed last 2 secs last rep. that would be a hardy PR! :)

1: -15: 5# incr. Hard. Last few secs of last 3 reps.
2: -5: 5# incr. Failed on the last 4--totalled the last rep. Think i was feeling the prior grip here.

1: BW: Same. Yes! Last 2 secs last rep.
2: +15: 5# incr. Failed end of the last 2 reps. Again, that'll be a PR. :)

Wide Pinch:
1: -35: Same. Ugh. Last 3r--last one total fail.
2: -25: Same. Yeah.Failed last 4 again. 1st 2 were good.

1: +35: Same. Yuck. Last 4ish.
2: +45: 5# incr. Last 2.5. Betta'!

Narrow Pinch:
1: -65: Same. Fail last 1.5. Way better!
2: -55: Same. i think i got 3 solid. Hard.

Seeing increases here.Kinda hard to believe, 'cuz i'm fairly portly even compared with last season. So on most grips i've basically added weight even if i haven't added iron. Recurring theme: if i could slough 20ish lbs of lard, i'd be clmbing at a different level entirely.

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